Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Extra Cilantro.

Yesterday after visiting my mother I also stopped off at the new Mexican place and got another quesadilla (with the delicious pineapple salsa)and this time I got extra cilantro and they also had the yummy Mexican soda I love,too, that I've only ever been able to get before at the Ethnic Festival( and in Mexico) so I got that so I got an extra-special treat! When I arrived my mother also surprised me by NOT laying in bed for once but she was sitting up in a chair, complaining the whole time she was there for hours, ever since lunch and we arrived past 6 pm, so good for her and then they came in to put her back to bed but she wouldn't co-operate and it took 2 of them to get her back and they told her, Well, if you don't stand up you can't go back to bed and we'll just have to leave you in the chair! and it also took 2 of them to change her diaper as well and she wouldn't help them by rolling over, either, but at least they get to see how hard and impossible it is for us to try and manage her here at home and I saw on her chart for discharge date it still said "longer than 3 days" too, much to my relief. I was also sitting on a bench in front of the hospital next to a guy waiting for my hubby to get the car( he won't pay for parking but parks blocks away for free but I can't walk that far) and another man walks out and greets us, Good evening Gentlemen! so I got mis-gendered! It happens to me often and I'm NOT even trans; just an unfortunate-looking and masculine-looking woman. I thought What the f*ck? but at the same time also thought it was kind of funny, plus I'm used to it.

Today I should be hearing from my doctor about my CT scan results as well and I'm just waiting for that and then I can contact my travel agent about booking a trip; I wanted to wait in case I need surgery( if I have a hernia or inflamed appendix  or tumour or something) and it was so hot yesterday 32 C with humidex of 40 C we were supposed to get a big storm to cool it off asnd it got all dark and really windy and I thought, Oh, good, here it comes... but we only got a few drops, and I keep waking up every hour during the night for the past few nights as well I have no idea why but it's annoying and my dog is my favourite child, and I finally saw the baby birds in the nest,too; I saw 2 little faces with open mouths sticking out when the parents come with food, with one esp. always opening its big mouth and squawking,pushing the other one out of the way( we all have one kid like that!) and I just recently realized as well that Fourth of July and Independence Day are the same day/holiday. Duh.

I also hope my mother doesn't need the Covid  "Clot-Shot"  to go into LTC,either, or I don't know what we'll do as she'll refuse( and it'll likely kill her if they forced her to get it) and I hope I can go parasailing at the Ethnic Festival this year again as well; I did before( and in Jamaica,too) and it's the closest I can ever come to flying like a bird and it's the best feeling in the world and I just feel so free, flying and soaring high above everything, I wish it would last forever and never end, and I also heard 50's singer Ricky Nelson used to rape his female fans,too,and then "pass" them along to his entourage and watch and it would have been even worse back then than now as well because for the most part women weren't sluts then like they are now and virginity actually meant something then,too.

We are all just walking eachother home.-Richard Martini


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Wordless Wednesday.