Saturday, July 22, 2023

New York, New York.

So I asked my hubby to take photos of his adventure in NYC and he sent me this.
A photo of some random store he passed on the way by.
Not exactly what I meant. I was talking about the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, Broadway, etc. 
He's such a tool.
 He also failed to tell me where he left the extra $$$$ in case we needed to run out and get milk, etc. or for emergencies but luckily he told the 16 YR old where it was and he told me.I also ordered the Butter Chicken pizzas but they screwed it up( of course) saying they didn't have any tomatoes and ran out( how the hell can a pizza place run out of tomatoes anyway; I mean, isn't that sort of a main ingredient?) so they took 4$ off the cost(I just gave to the delivery guy as a tip) so it just had chicken, peppers, onions and bacon (I just picked off and gave to Buddy; no pork, remember?) which doesn't even belong with Butter Chicken and my guess is they're not doing the Butter Chicken anymore( even though I just got the flyer in the mail for it this week) and they didn't want to lose a customer so they just sort of substituted. and improvised It wasn't really Butter Chicken flavour,either, but it was still ok but not what I was expecting.

Buddy also saw his friends twice this week and one of them is at the end of her "heat" cycle and their hooman told me he had a diaper on her so the males wouldn't mount her( and to prevent blood drips all over) but the one time he quickly went into the shower and didn't have them separated one of the males somehow got the diaper off and when he came out they were going at it and stayed "tied" for half and hour so she's most likely prego! Every day lately for the past few days my mother also asks how Buddy is, Is Buddy still OK? when she never even used to mention him before, making me wonder if she knows something I don't, like maybe she has a bad feeling something bad's going to happen to him, like maybe she's been to the Other Side or seen a glimpse and knows he's dying? She's also lonely as well and even told me so, calling me later last night after the news even though I already did phone her in the morning. Letting Buddy out the back last night for a pee before bed I also saw fireflies as well, for the very first time in my life and it was sooo cool!

Yesterday the 28 YR old was also careless and not thinking and put Buddy at risk: he'd opened up the front door and let him out, alone, unsupervised, and he could have gone off onto the road and got hit by a car, been attacked by a bigger dog, or stolen, or who knows and I was furious! He should know better! His excuse was "He wanted to go out", ok then, stay out with him and watch him, don't just leave him out there!He says I "over-reacted" but I love him and want him to be safe. I was just soooo mad! Esp. with one of his friends in "heat" and she rubbed her nasty ass on the veranda carpet and he's going wild with the scent and that would have given him motivation to take off as he's always trying to get out to her! I can't believe he'd be so stupid! Having my mother going to LTC also makes it "easier" for us when she does eventually die though(so it's sort of a blessing in disguise) as this way we're already used to her not being here and with her mind going it already feels like we're slowly "losing" her anyway.

It's also a nice break for me,too, with my hubby not here, no one here telling me to shut-up, or to stop being "annoying", or to get lost, to talk "down" condescending to me, to tell me how stupid I am, etc. and there's also alot less laundry with one less person here, but I did still put my back "out" bending down for the dishwasher, and one thing I'll always remember is the old-fashioned photography,too, using film and developing in the darkroom.
Then hang them up to dry.
I wonder if anyone even takes photos like that anymore or if it's all computerized,now?

Sittin' in the evening sun And watching the same birds passing by Sittin' and wondering And waiting for the time for me to fly.-Peter Tosh


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