Monday, August 14, 2023

All Clear.

I had both my gastric endoscopy and colonoscopy today and I got the all-clear; no cancer( although he did take biopsies of both which take 2 weeks for results to know for sure but nothing that he could see) so I can go ahead and book a trip and I still have the diverticulitis plus also gastric reflux and erosion of the esophagus due to it (that's why I feel a "lump" in my throat)and the thing on my ass is a hemmoroid like I figured and I asked them since they're down there anyway if they could please either cut it off or burn it off because it's super annoying and a literal pain-in-the-ass (and since they have burned off polyps in my colon twice before, so why not,right?) but they said they don't, but afterwards the doctor told me I;ll be having it removed surgically later  at my local hospital right here in town, which is literally 2 minutes aweay( this one I had the scopes at is 20-25 minutes away). Still no answer to my abdomenal pain though and it's disappointing and I'm probably also the only person upset to be told I don't have cancer, and I over-heard the doctor telling the lady in the bed beside me that she does have colon cancer; that he found a tumour and it "doesn't look good" and he's "pretty sure it's cancer" but the biopsy will confirm it, and I also heard a guy on the other side of me say it took him 7 years  on a waiting list too to find a Family doctor! What a shithole! It's like some Third-World country!! They also want to re-do the gastroscope in 2-3 months.

I also wonder if they noticed the tattoos on my ass( although no one said anything) and the anesthesiologist asked me if I smoke I answered, Smoke what? and he had the most beautiful eyes as well; they were like cat's eyes; mostly emerald green with a mix of hazel and even flecks of gold! I've never seen eyes so beautiful and he doesn't even need anesthesia to put people out; those eyes can hypnotize them to sleep and I couldn't stop looking into them and they were the last thing I saw before I fell asleep! Eeeeee!!!! I remember laying on my left side and starting to feel dizzy.....and then waking up also on my left side only seeing curtains so I knew I was waking up and recovering  and already back in the room and no longer in the OR and I hadn't eaten since 7 pm Saturday so I was just soooooooo hungry I was absolutely starving and my stomach was growling so we went thru the McDonald's drive-thru on the way back only it was 10:45 am and they don't make lunch until 11 am....that's 15 whole MORE minutes MORE I had to wait in my starving state and let me tell you those were the longest 15 minutes of my LIFE!! So I  eventually ordered BOTH the Grand Big Mac AND fries I was so hungry( normally I can't eat both) and then they said there was some problem(it figures) and they couldn't make the Grand Big Mac....
OH, NO......don't you tell me that!!!!
You DON'T want to see me when I'm hungry!!
but luckily they fixed it and this hungry, hungry hippo finally got to eat and the Grand Big Mac  was almost all devoured by the time we even made it back home!HA!

As well, the photo above is what it looks like in our house when the dishes are just left in the sink and not done for 3 days; my hubby normally does it ( I cook, do laundry,and garbage ,and he does dishes) but for some reason he decided he didn't want to, or didn't have time, or couldn't be bothered, or whatever,and then he finally did and it took 2 loads in the dishwasher to do them all, and I saw Buddy licking something on the porch so I went over to investigate and it was moving and at first I thought it was a little frog but then realized it was a baby mouse and maybe that was what he ate before that day he felt sick and didn't eat all day and had that really gross shit? Ewwww!!! 

The crazy redneck ex-room-mate of my mother's also came into her room again, at Midnight and raided her closet and stole more stuff again and now she's scared and has trouble sleeping at night so I talked to the charge nurse and told her it has to stop; they have to do something to stop her from keeep coming into her room and assaulting and robbing her and  and she asked What do you suggest? and I said, I don't know, how about locking her in her room, or posting a security guaard outside her room  or monitoring her or something? she said haughtily that they don't confine patients to their room  and that she's also a patient there too and is "confused"  and I said I don't care; she's also dangerous  and can't just keep going into other people's rooms and attacking them and stealing from them and endangering other patients and they even have signs in the hospital saying ABUSE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED  and yet they do nothing to stop her! Do I have to call the police now or get a restraining order against her , or what? I really hate this redneck town.

None shall escape Jah judgment Jah judgments gonna call on you.-Stephen Marley


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