Sunday, August 13, 2023

Shithole On Native Land.

I got this off Quora and I think it pretty much says it all:

  • High taxes.
  • High cost of living.
  • Medical system that would let you die waiting on purpose if you have something that is not standard. Great if you have a cold. No so great if you have something serious.
  • Government that allowed mainland Chinese to buy land in Canada which they use to launder money from the CCP. That increased the cost of property a 10 times of what is worth.
  • Stagnant salaries when compared with the increase of rents.
  • Protection of Human rights by government being a guidance instead of a rule.
  • Government not only able but willing to illegally freeze accounts. (Remember the truckers)? A lot of people with money got the message. Never put money on a Canadian Bank.
  • Internet censoring.


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