Saturday, August 12, 2023

Bipolar Sucks.

I got this from Quora and it describes life with bipolar prefectly:

Bipolar isn’t just mood swings. it’s more than that. Bipolar is getting attached to anyone who gives you attention, constantly craving that person’s attention and time, and overthinking the smallest things. Bipolar is loving more than you should. Except it’s never love . It’s attachment, it’s lust, it’s excitement, it’s bipolar. Bipolar will have you obsessing over someone when you just met them just because they asked how your day was. Bipolar is switching up fast when someone energy changes in the slightest. Bipolar is exploding on those you love, without control. Bipolar is feeling terrible after and leaving everyone traumatized. Bipolar results to people thinking you’re crazy, obsessive, exaggerating. Bipolar is when little words that don’t affect the normal person as much affects you 100 times worse. Bipolar is when your happiness depends on another individual. Bipolar is thinking you’re better but then realizing it’s just mania. Bipolar is feeling like nobody understands you. Bipolar is feeling like everyone hates you and have every reason to hate you. Bipolar is wondering why nobody loves you the same level you “love”them. Bipolar is catching yourself crying just because they forgot to tell you good night. Bipolar is thinking it’s the end of the world, then realizing it’s not and you exaggerated, then feeling stupid and ashamed. Bipolar is not realizing what you say affects others. Bipolar is feeling things on a deeper level than the average person. Bipolar is wondering why you can’t just be normal. Bipolar is hating yourself for getting upset at something you shouldn’t. Bipolar is driving people away and not knowing why. Bipolar is the struggle in overfeeling . Bipolar is mental highs and lows. It’s all in your head. Only someone who is bipolar can understand what it truly means. Bipolar is being impatient. Bipolar is feeling worthless and not loved. Bipolar is doubting yourself on everything you do. Bipolar is not remembering certain things because your mind blocks it out. Bipolar is not having energy to do the simplest things. Bipolar is being impulsive then regretting it later. Bipolar is feeling alone in a crowd of people. Bipolar is hard to deal with. It’s hard for the person, it’s hard for family, it’s hard for others associated with the person. You don’t know how bad it is until it’s bad. Bipolar is scary and unexpected. Random triggers that make you exaggerate and do things you regret. The switch that switches within seconds, you become another person, filled with anger and rage. You feel terrible if you don’t get the anger out, it’s like you have to explode, if not you panic. It’s knowing you’re hurting the other person and not being able to stop. It’s wanting to die for the smallest things. It’s one of the hardest thing to deal with. And the worst part is, nobody understands, they just think you’re crazy. So what’s bipolar to me ? It’s hell.


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