Sunday, August 13, 2023

Wish List.

Latest things on my Wish List:
I love this beautiful French Provincial-style chair with the Queen Anne-style legs. This is my fave. type of furniture. I love the old-fashioned classic style over modern-style any day. It's just so elegant and classy.

Funky denim. I love the Bell-bottom jeans and the cool sleeveless jacket.

Elegant chair with the high back and buttons. So sophistocated and classy.

Old-fashioned lamps. So Bohemian and pretty.

Turquoise and silver ring.

Hippie/Bohemian long skirt. This is my go-to fave. style of skirt.

Now this might look like an odd thing on my Wish List but I used to eat them all the time as a kid and they were my faves,  and I haven't had them in years but for the past week or so I had this intense craving for them and looked everywhere but just can't find them anymore so I don't know if they even exist anymore. Don't they make these anymore?

As well, I visited my mother yesterday and guess who should wander into her room but her ex- room-mate, the crazy redneck so we chased her out and informed the nurses and as well we also noticed her scissors were missing and she told us the Crazy Lady had been rifling around in her closet several times before  so she likely stole them so we told the nurse who went to her room to look.....and she came back with an entire big bag all filled with a bunch of my mother's stuff the nasty bitch had stolen; the scissors plus a few of her shirts among other things! What is it with rednecks anyway that they always steal and they're violent? It's like a way of life for them!When my mother went to BINGO guess who they also sat her beside? You guessed it, so she demanded they move her, not wanting to sit next to her and be hit again, so they did. It's not right though the nasty bitch's "reward" is getting moved to a private room; that's what she gets for assualting people and stealing.At least the new room-mate(who is 88) and her family are nice.

Yesterday we also had 2 storms and the last one was really bad with torrential rain, lots of lightning and thunder that shook the entire house, along with a tornado warning, and luckily Buddy's deaf now and can't hear anymore so it no longer scares him and next-door they were smoking 'da blessed herb so it's good because they won't complain about the smell when I do,either, and I can't eat anything today, just drink, as my Scopes are tomorrow, and early; 7:45 am so I have to leave at 7 am and will be doing my blog later tomorrow once I get back and will post the results and will find out if the answer is cancer or not. The only thing I hate more than my colon too is my face. When I mentioned about what a redneck my mother's ex room-mate is the 16 YR old also sneered to me, Just like YOU!  except I don't drink alcohol, beat people up, steal, sleep around, never been in jail, and don't even like country music or sports, and don't go to bars or gamble, etc.

Why we born in the first place if this is how we gotta go? Damn.-Nas


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