Monday, August 7, 2023


Yesterday when I was buying my mother flowers( I got her Sweetheart roses; the really tiny kind she loves but can be hard to find) I also found a sunflower in a pot so now it lives indoors in the windowsill in the sun where the critters can't eat it, unlike my sunflowers I try to grow outside. The check-out girl also commented, Everyone seems to be buying sunflowers! My mother also told me, surprised, There's one RN here! I didn't know they had RNs here! and I told her, They have alot more than one; they have lots of them....and doctors,too; it's a hospital! The 16 YR old also came because she kept going on how much she missed him and it just made her so happy to see him but she also has to understand that he's a 16 YR old boy and has "better" things to do than hang out at the hospital that must be depressing for him.Her room-mate also looked in really bad shape so she didn't bother us this time; she looked almost comatose and half-dead laying there in the bed and my mother said she(the room-mate) has a "port" in her chest like the 25 YR old did when he was 7 and had leukemia and they're always taking her blood and she had a transfusion so my guess is she must have cancer and I can't help but feel sorry for her even if she is a nasty bitch.My mother also kept insisting she wants us to get her a plate with a lid and a lock so that "no one will steal" her food.Uh,ok...

Yesterday I also ate rice-just rice- for my lunch and I could feel like little grains of rice even stuck in my throat plus my throat also felt swollen  and it still always feels like something's "stuck" and I have to keep clearing my throat so I wonder what it is but I get my endoscope(and colonoscopy) exactly a week today so hopefully it'll show something; if I maybe have nodules or something in my throat and my abdomenal pain's really bad as well and I've lost a substantial amount of weight now,too, as I  just noticed when I put my shirt on and saw in the mirror I even look  much thinner now as well and even have a beginning of a waist now,too, but that's good though; losing weight without even trying, and if I do have cancer at least that's a bonus; losing weight, and I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out I do have colon cancer,either, as my Great-Grandmother and my mother's uncles died from it as it runs in the family. My hubby's friend at work's infirm elderly mother in Toronto is also waiting for placement in an LTC home as well so it will be interesting to see who gets in first; her or my mother.We also have a rain warning today: 55-75 mm!

My hubby also won 50$ playing chess so it can go towards paying off the new stove, and yesterday I was outside smoking 'da blessed herb and my enjoyment of it was greatly diminished by the neighbour blaring redneck country music and I just wanted to CUT MY EARS OFF and my hubby played pickle ball against a guy half his age and he came back all red, sweaty, huffing and puffing I thought he was going to have a heart-attack; I think the old guy doesn't know his limits and still thinks he's young and will end up killing himself and he's also playing a tournament for charity as well to help kids in Equador and it costs 250$ a person but luckily his partner is paying for the 2 of them( he owns McDonald's franchises so he can afford it) and I wouldn't be surprised as well if Trudeau eventually "comes out" as gay now he's separating from his wife; I've always had a suspicion with his "effeminite" voice and the way he sits like a girl crossing his legs and how overly "enthusiastic" he is at the Pride Parade, etc, and I ate some soan papdi; a flaky almost fibreglass-like candyfloss substance made with wheat and cardamom, almonds,and pistachios; Indian sweet, and now I'm addicted, esp. after I smoke weed, and my hubby got us a new doorbell,too,  you can see who's at the door and that even records live and you can talk back and forth and it even shows up on your devices! Porch Pirates beware!! It's so cool! Usually technology confuses and pisses me off but this is really cool!

I won't back down.-Tom Petty


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