Thursday, August 10, 2023


I gound this on Quora  and I think it speaks for itself.


I personally know many immigrants who left Canada back to their home countries shortly after arriving to Canada, the following Sums up the reasons for why lots of immigrants and leaving Canada.

  • Housing is extremely expensive.
  • Canada's economy / job market is tuning into a minimum age economy (Amazon, Uber, Door dash, McDonald's, Walmart.. etc).
  • There is no longer a logical connection between income to life expenses in Canada.
  • Collapsing health care system.
  • Extremely high taxes.
  • So many intentional rules and regulations by the government to prevent people from starting small businesses.
  • The Governments of Canadaat all levels have adopted the 3rd world governments mentality ( corruption, authoritarian, obsessing over lame subjects while ignoring real issues).
  • The education system is obsessed over programing the children with the LGBTQ agendas, climate agendas and some other cult mentality agendas.
  • The media in Canada is nothing but propaganda outlets.
  • Crimes are skyrocketing in major cities.
  • 20% of Canadians cannot survive without getting food from the food banks.

Immigrants are leaving Canada, because Canada is currently going through the collapsing phase.

Cheers !


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