Sunday, August 20, 2023

What I'm Liking.

Here are more styles that I like but once again am hesitant to order online in case it doesn't end up looking the same when it arrives(I just don't want to get ripped-off again!) so I hope maybe I can find something similar when I'm at the CNE  tomorrow and probably for half the price,too( a bonus!) and no shipping costs,either, and they'd be nice to bring on my trip as well and I'm excited for tomorrow as well; it always reminds me of my childhood and being back in the city again I also feel like the Old Me again  back in my Old Life as well and just come out of my "shell" and am in my "element" and feel so "alive" and invigorated, like life has come back into me. My mother also keeps obsessing that someone's going to come up from behind me and steal my weed hat; just snatch it off my head and run away. I visited her yesterday as well and her new room-mate is Australian. The Crazy Lady (her ex-room-mate that assualted and robbed her) also has this bright yellow tag on her wheelchair that matches the yellow drape on my mother's door, maybe as a reminder that she's not allowed to go in there? Whatever it is, it must be working as she hasn't gone in and bothered her for days now. Good!

As for our end-of-summer plans the 16 YR old is going camping with his friend's family again next weekend and on Labour Day weekend my hubby is going to NY again, Albany this time( the state capital) for a chess tournament, and the 16 YR old also left his plate on the table for the past 4 days or so, refusing to clear it and put it in the sink or dishwasher, and I'm not his slave and won't clean up after him(and besides, how will he ever learn that way?) he's old enough to know better and clean up his own mess so I just left it there and just kept putting his food on the same plate until he clears it off and last night he eventually did because now it's finally gone and in the sink.It could have stayed there forever for all I care.I'm not putting up with his lazy-ass shit.The 28 YR old also bought a red Persian rug for his room that looks pretty much like the one we have in the dining room and he said he "likes to surround himself with things that make him happy" and that's exactly what I do,too, which is why I like to have flowers in the house.He also got black-framed Chanel glasses and I said it Looks like Buddy Holly glasses he goes, Who's Buddy Holly? and now I feel really old.

I also got censored on Facebook  when I posted about so-called "climate change" being a hoax and they said "fact-checkers" (AKA censors) said it was "false", something they always do whenever you question or deny Covid, the vaccines, climate change, global warning,Slava Ukraina, etc. or any of the "narrative" the Powers That Be feed to you and indoctrinate and brainwash you with, and the 28 YR old said it's "much nicer with my mother not here" too so I'm not the only one that thinks so and now life is much more tolerable and not quite as intolerable anymore.

Yesterday I also put the garbage out on the porch and I saw what I thought were grains of rice in there....until I noticed they were moving and then realized rice isn't supposed to be moving and that they were actually living, squirming maggots, and I heard someone named their baby Shithed and in the doctor's office they called out, Is there a .....ummm.... Shithead here? and the mother, said, offended, It's pronounced Shi-THED! but, I mean, who the f*ck names their kid that? I can only imagine the bullies in school calling her Shithead, seriously though, what are some people thinking, and I can hardly wait for my trip,too, and when the plane climbs higher into the sky and farther away from my family, my life,and this shithole I leave behind I always feel so free, even if it is just for a short while.

But I've just one more song to sing One more story to tell.-Tears For Fears


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