Tuesday, September 26, 2023


Yesterday the 28 YR old was at work, the 16 YR old was at his friend's house and my hubby went out to pickleball and my hubby told me I'd be home alone(no problem, which I enjoy,anyway) and I told him Buddy was still here with me and as long as I have him I'm never alone; he's the best friend I ever had.In the photo here yesterday he was cuddling laying on me and he fell asleep. I also fell asleep outside in the sun and I had a dream I slipped and fell backwards and as I was landing and just about to crack the back of my head on the concrete pavement I jumped in real life and jolted myself awake!  The sun also used to come out on the back patio at 8:30 am but now not until 10:30 and now it only lasts for about an hour or so which is really sad. Yesterday I also had this pinching, squeezing, tightness feeling on the left side of my chest,too, and I wondered if it was finally The Big One but nothing else happened after that. I thought I got ripped-off too eating my Drumstick ice-cream cone as at first it all seemed normal; it had the chocolate and peanut-coated topping and the vanilla ice-cream....but then I noticed it never had the caramel inside! WTF,man? Where is my caramel? I got cheated....and then when I checked on the box it just said vanilla.....NOT caramel.....so I didn't get "cheated" in that sense; my doofus hubby just got the wrong one!😡 I had also written thyme (the spice, my secret ingredient, although I guess not so "secret" anymore, although anyone who eats the stew wouldn't be reading this) to pick up for my Epic Meatball Stew....and what did he get? Thyme seeds! Seeds and not the ground-up powdered spice! How the hell am I supposed to put seeds in my stew? I mean, really?

The 28 YR old also said to me, Did you hear what Trudeau did NOW?  and I had to ask him to be more specific because the dickweed has done so many stupid and corrupt things but he was referring to the applauding the Nazi in Parliament, and ideally I prefer to visit my mother earlier in the afternoons but I have to go when my hubby wants; always on his schedule and when it's most convenient for him(what I want doesn't matter) so now it's 5 pm Sundays when he has badminton and he just drops me off even though it makes me late but he doesn't care and I'd thought she'd be excited to hear about my trip,too, but she really didn't seem to care and she didn't seem too interested in the souvenir( snow globe) I brought her back from the Dominican Republic,either( my family are such ingrates; why do I even bother?) and for Buddy's water dish I just used her bedpan; he didn't care; remember that this is a guy that also licks his balls.She also gave us a list of more clothes and things she wants us to buy for her even though  our finances now are at their worst ever now we also have to pay 2K a month for her LTC home.I don't even know how we're going to be able to pay both  property taxes and home insurance; one of them is probably going to have to go.

They also have the Greek festival coming us this upcoming weekend I always like to go to for the food and the dancing and my mother always liked to go to as well but can't this year but I'll pick her up some food and then go visit her and bring it to her and I bet that more people in the world speak Spanish than English,too, as even though the British had many colonies so did Spain and English is only spoken in the UK and in North America and in Commonwealth countries like Australia and New Zealand but Spanish is spoken in Spain, Mexico, and in all Central and South America( except for Brazil) plus in some Caribbean countries as well and in some Spanish territories such as the Canary Islands.With all the traumas and tragedies in my life I'm also like the heroine of a novel that never gets the Happy Ending.

My kids are all the opposite of me(and the way I raised them) as well; all of them have turned away from God (and even gone as far as embracing the occult and celebrating Halloween and  being Goth and being into Harry Potter,etc)and they all drink coffee and/or tea(I have no "issues" with; I just think they taste gross and don't drink it) and 2 of them smoke( one vapes and one smokes cigars) and I know at least one of them drinks alcohol and the girls are sluttier than I ever was(I was still a virgin for my hubby and I never wore revealing clothes) and one of them even likes redneck country music and I show more duty and obligation to my mother than they do to me...sigh....it just goes to show that no matter how hard you try the end result is never guaranteed.

I'm free-I'm free, AN' I'm waiting for you to follow me.-The Who


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