Thursday, September 7, 2023

Moving day!

Today's Moving Day for my mother into her new digs, the LTC home! I hope she likes it and will be happy there, and who knows, maybe even make some friends,too? She said she even had a good restful sleep and slept all the way thru which is unusual, but it means she must be at peace with her decision and know it's the right thing. While there I'm also going to get the pumpkin spice Dairy Queen Blizzard  on the way back which is out now as they never have it here in this shitless town and I  always have to go to the bigger town to get it. I also think you can tell in the most recent photo of me here that I've lost weight and my hubby snarks about my Every Child Matters shirt( in tribute to the abused and murdered Indigenous kids at the Residential Schools )that I'm "going along with the crowd" and the current trend when really I don't give a shit what others think but I just happen to personally support the cause and it's a personal political statement, and I'd still wear it even if no one else supported it, like when I wear my Che Guevara shirt or my old-style Soviet Russia shirt. I think he's just sore that he's not the only one wearing bright orange now and now he refuses to wear his orange shirts when I'm wearing mine. I know, what a sucky baby, right?

I also visited my mother yesterday, the last time in the hospital and I brought all her stuff back and packed it in the suitcase for her move over this morning and I was struggling to get the wheelchair out of the room down the hall, thru all the mess, clutter,and crap and my hubby goes, You DO know that it folds, right? but knowing  that it folds and actually knowing how to fold it are 2 completely different things, and the other day he also complained how come my quesadilla costs twice as much as his sub too but that's quite simple really: the quesadilla is twice as good as his sub and his sub is shit.and yesterday he still played pickleball in 40 C humidex and for someone so smart he can be really stupid but luckily the racquet club is literally just down the street from the hospital, just in case.

The hurricane season in the Caribbean also peaks on 10 September(and there's a big-ass catagory 4 one brewing right now) and I leave on the 12th so I really live on the Edge, ha,ha, and I started some of my packing last night and when I opened the back door a bird flew in and it's sad,too; I always saw a pair of doves; a couple that always returns each year but lately I only see one of them, and it looks so lost and like it keeps looking for its mate so I don't know if it died or what; got eaten by a cat, hawk, or raccoon, or what, but the poor thing just looks so sad, lost, lonely, and forelorn and they mate for life,too.

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” | George Orwell, 1984


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Is This Goodbye?

I had to post this now as it can't wait until tomorrow because there might not even be a tomorrow. Buddy had a biiiiig Clonic-Tonic seiz...