Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Today's Thought.



Today I had my follow-up endoscopy and biopsy and I had to wait 2 hours  in the waiting room before they finally called me back and I was really worried and shitting bricks afraid they'd forgotten about me; they told me my app't was at 9:15 and I was told to arrive 30 minutes before that but I wasn't called back until 11 am and they took me in the OR at 11:30 am. I also woke up this morning with a massive headache I couldn't even smoke weed or take anything for in case it interfered with the anesthetic and my stomach hurt so bad and felt like I'd been kicked by a horse and by the time I finally got to eat it had been 18 hours so I was starving! My BP was really high as well. 177 over-something (remember I ran out of my BP meds awhile ago) normal is 120/80 and the alarm sounded on the monitor and some of the staff were even dressed up for Satan's Day( Halloween) too which I think is unprofessional. The anestheologist also had an Australian accent and when I woke up I felt stoned as f*ck and was really dizzy and my oxygen level was also low and the doctor said my stomach's still inflamed and he found green bile which either came from my bile duct or liver since I no longer have a gall bladder and he's trying me on another med to see if it helps and will call me in 4-6 weeks to see how it's going and go from there.

We also had frost overnight and when I took Buddy out this morning to pee I could see it sparkle and glisten on the grass in the moonlight and it looked like diamonds and on the way back from the hospital we even had snow flurries, and it was - 4 C and Buddy used to run to the door to greet me when I came home but now he's old and can hardly walk so now when I go out he just sits at the door and waits there for me the whole time ,and tomorrow starts November so I no longer have to skip over the Christmas songs on my playlist anymore but can just let them play now until January and one of my cousins in Europe turns 50 today as well; the poor woman's birthday is on Satan's Day and the sheeple are starting to wear their poppies for Remembrance Day  now too, glorifying war, soldiers, and the military, conditioned by society to bow down to the War Machine and shamed if not but I still don't anyway; I'm only for peace ,and Israel building settlements on Palestinian land is no different than European settlers colonizing Indigenous land in North America.

The kids also block me from their social media but I have my ways and I saw the second-oldest has a different surname on her Facebook now and it made me wonder if maybe she got married  and never told me, esp,. as I've never been a part of their Little Circle and am always the last to know things( and the 27 YR old did change gender and no one told me; I had to figure it out all on my own) and I asked my hubby but he said it's just a screen name, and one of the meanest things my hubby did to me was one time when I was out of the country he sold my Pug and I came back home and found my dog was gone, and I used to go on cruises and tours but now I'm old and decrepit and have arthritis and health issues and can't do all that walking anymore I just stick to the resorts and go swimming and suntan at the beach.

Today checking-in at the hospital they also asked if you've been out of the country recently and have had anesthesia before( yes, for both) and I was surprised to hear a lady say she's NEVER been out of the country and a man say he's never had an anesthetic! Really? Wow.....that's just so hard to believe, I'm an Old Pro, ha,ha, and I saw a Christmas commercial on TV yesterday too and it's not even November yet,and there's this car company named Stellantis at first I heard it I thought it was a medication, and I heard in a narcissist family the scapegoat  is the one always blamed, abused, belittled, not included or considered, berated, outcast, ganged-up on, devalued, demeaned, etc. and that's me!
It all makes sense now.

Except when I cross over, there ain't no comin' back.-The Notorious B.I.G


Monday, October 30, 2023

Daily Chuckle.

How inspirational!


Slow Day.

I found these nice socks I like, reminding me of the "Slouch" socks I had back in the 80's. I had several pair, in different colours but this one I really like, all mixed colours and very "winter"-like. Speaking of winter, yesterday we got either graupel or hail; whatever it was it wasn't rain, it was some kind of ice pellets you could clearly see it was ice and it made that funny sound coming down and hitting the ground and it bounced and this morning we have wet snow  and it's only 1 C. Most of my socks now have holes in them,too, so I have to get some nice warm  fuzzy socks for winter to replace them. I also asked the 29 YR old if I can borrow his fur coat for special occasions and he said I could rent it and even have a pay a deposit! He won't even let me borrow it for free, the cheap bastard! That kid should have been a gangster or lawyer! He also is using coffee grounds to try and get the "musty" smell out of it but now the whole house reeks of coffee which makes my stomach turn and literally makes me feel sick.I also heard an actor from that stupid show Friends died (after playing pickleball he drowned in his hot tub; I bet he had a heart-attack)and I never watched it; I've seen commercials and that was enough; it looked so dumb, just like Seinfeld, and just because something's popular I still won't watch it if I think it's stupid, just like The Simpsons.

My computer also changed the format to upload photos etc. and added a couple of more extra steps, making it even harder to do and taking much longer, so now when I do my memes and stuff it takes much longer to do. It used to take 30 minutes and now it's even longer because of the added steps( f*ck!) and tomorrow  morning is my follow-up endoscopy too and I'll wear my weed socks for laughs and when I got my colonoscopy last time  I should have bought a sequin or leather thong to make the medical staff laugh. In actual fact though I've never worn such slutty stuff and at my age it would make it even more hilarious. Maybe not visiting my mother this week (as my hubby had to work)might make her "appreciate" my visits even more,too, and not take them for granted, and and I used to love Israel and think they were the Good Guys,too, and I even went there ( I've been to Nazareth, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Gaza, Golan Heights, Massada, Haifa,and Ashdod, and even been to a kibbutz) but what they're doing now razing Gaza and killing innocent Palestinian civilians  under the pretext of hunting terrorists is wrong and bombing Hamas' underground tunnels is also where the hostages are being held,too, so they'll end up killing their own people, or don't they care? Is it just collateral damage?

The saddest kind of love is unrequitted love. The story of my life.


Monday Musings.

Wide load.

I experienced this trying to pay my mother's bills.

This is one reason I have trust issues.

Even if they ARE family.

People just suck.

You can disagree respectfully and still be friends.

My hubby!He can only eat in front of the TV; he's just so weird!

Either in public school or in university.

Not sometimes.....all the time.

Lone wolf.


Too much yet never enough.


Can I get a parade,too?

The more you know, the crazier you look.-IlluminatiBot


Daily Truth.