Sunday, October 15, 2023

I Think So Too.

I found this on Quora  and it's what I think it's like,too:


I like to think so... When I was about 11 or 12 I had a NDE experience.

It started with a cold that didn't interact well with my asthma. So one day I was taken to the hospital. It's all kinda like a blur, but I remember walking around in circles wheezing. No matter what I did I could get any air into my lungs and I eventually blacked out. I remember waking up on a gurney or bed and then being under a spotlight. There were doctors and nurses doing their best to lower the rate of my heart. It was beating like a jackrabbit and everything hurt. It pained to breathe. I remember them talking to me to keep me calm and the ice compression method they tried. It wasn't working and I was fading...

So, I remember getting a glimpse of my grandmother and my siblings. They all were crying. My grandmother, because of the situation and my younger siblings because of the tense atmosphere and of course grandma.
Then I looked at the nurse one last time. This nurse had been staring at me and I'm not sure what I wanted to convey, but everything faded away. I went to sleep and soon flatlined. That was it.

When I came to I remember being someplace really really dark.
I couldn't even see my own hands. There was no light, but there was a surface and smooth walls. So I started walking and walking until the ceiling gave way to something lower and I had to crawl. I crawled through this cramp dark space until it gave way to light and a vast cavern.

(It was like being born again or something...also, during the whole event I was in my birthday suit.)

I stood up and noticed this huge unbelievably beautiful place.
It was covered in luminescent jewels of all sorts of colors that were imbedded in the smooth rock walls. They gave off this subtle glow. The ground was carved into various pathways that were circling various pools of water. It was like something from a painting. It looked too fantastical to be real. In the center of it all was this tall figure that stood there in a monks hood. The individual was covered from head to toe. I noticed the figure waved it's hand as if to beckon me closer, so I went. When I was in front of the figure it opened up it's cloak and told me to step inside. Still I couldn't tell if it was man or woman or what it looked like. I only saw a bit of hand and forearm. There were markings like tattoos and swirls w/ weird symbols I only glanced. Once I entered the cloak we ended up back at the hospital.

I was once again in my pj's and the spirit, then decidedly female asked me a simple question..."Did I want to go back?"
I remember gazing down at the scene. It was like we were floating from someplace high above, but could see perfectly what was going on. Following that I gazed at myself once more and thought so that's what my shell looks like. The doctors and the nurses kept frantically trying to revive me, but nothing was working. I heard the flatline and saw all the commotion, heard what was being spoken, and thought do I want to go back to this.
I was finally free. To feel no pain, struggle, conflict, and etc...Seriously it sounds messed up, but I wanted to bail. I don't know if my spirit is cold hearted like that, but these events didn't phase me. There was no sadness or regret. I felt calm yet indifferent. As I watched my family crying it was all so clinical yet curious. Watching my grandma tugged at me a bit...My decision was made and I told her "no".
She sighed, like I failed a test or something...then she said I had to go back. She said there was an opportunity coming up for me to inhabit my body again. Then it happened. I was given up, but this one doctor asked my grandma if she wanted him to try an experimental medicine. It was a last chance option which may or may not work. She agreed to it.

The spirit then told me I wouldn't see her again until it was time for me to pass on. She told me to prepare and that I still had things to do in this life.
I didn't even get a word in edgewise, because as soon as the medicine was injected I felt this pull. It was like gravity. Next thing I know I'm falling, falling from so high. It was like being a comet and I crash into myself.
It actually hurt like hell. I felt the moment when my flesh and spirit melded and it was like a piece of armor had locked me in. I could hear it. lol
That was so surreal. My body felt like it weighed a ton and I had to adjust.
Then that part of me felt like it was dragged under and my conscious was aware again. I woke up and sat straight up on the table gasping and laughing.
I felt so was like I won a million bucks. I started talking, because I couldn't contain it. I told them that I saw them and I got hugs from my family. Some of the nurses had been crying and the doctor had been really nice. They probably thought I was delirious...but I know what I experienced.

In all honesty after something like that I don't see why there couldn't be an afterlife. We are souls. We are eternal or can be if you believe that sort of thing. I think there so much more than what's seen. Life is mysterious like that, but it's interesting. It's absurd to believe we just die and that's it. All these experiences aren't for nothing. We are part of a complex universe. Energy never can't be destroyed or created. It can only change forms. Hope this helps. ;p


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