Wednesday, October 25, 2023


I saw these 3 photos the other day and it brought back happy nostalgic memories for me of the 70's and 80's. The first photo were what flip-flops looked like in the 70's when I was a kid and I had them( as did everyone else, both adults and kids) only then we called them thongs which makes me laugh now because now a thong is something entirely else!HA! I can still remember how they rubbed in-between my big toe and the one next to it.They were really cheap,too, and you could get them for something like a dollar at the bargain stores.The one below are hollow Christmas chocolates covered in foil you hang on the tree and it was a real bugger trying to tie them up(I always wished that they came already tied up) and they were so good though and every day a few of them would magically just "disappear" from the tree and by the time Christmas came around you'd be lucky to find one left, maybe the odd one that got hidden behind something you might come across when you take the tree down, and the last photo were the Christmas lights from the 70's and 80's we'd put on our Christmas trees, I think now they'd call them Fairy lights. They were pretty but the problem was if just one of them went out the entire string of lights would go out. Those were fun times though and happy memories. I wish I could go back to that time. I was a different person then with a different life.Back then I was only slightly damaged from only a couple of traumas, nowhere near what I am now and no one knew I had autism and bipolar,either; back then I was just weird.I also hope this year that I die before Christmas too so I won't have to have another Christmas with my family.

Now it's warm again after being 0 C overnight last night it was 12 C  overnight so I opened my bedroom window again and yesterday it got to 18 C and today 20 C  and nice for the next few days and now the sun is out the back in the morning for 2 hours so I sit there and then it moves to the front in the afternoon for 2 hours so I sit there but I know it won't last long, this week is probably the end(and then it's cooling down), but I'm lucky to still be outside this late in October, and then I'll be indoors hibernating until spring, and I figure it will be "easier" now when my mother eventually does die,too, now she's in the LTC home because he's not living here anymore anyway and we don't get to see her much anymore anyway so the transition will be more gradual,  and yesterday I was so relaxed after smoking a J and sitting in the sun I could feel myself "leaving" my body and I could feel my bones "unlocking" as well as I was "rising" up; in my elbows, hips, and knees, it was just so weird, it was almost like a shell of armour was unlocked  and opened up and my spirit was set free, and yesterday I was really itchy all over as well; back, arms, legs, chest, even my head! I wonder if it's my liver acting-up again or if Buddy gave me fleas? I also hope if I did one thing right in my life it was being a good hooman to Buddy; that I gave him a good life and he knows how much I love him and how much he means to me.

I also saw Kelly Clarkson( her show ends just before my news comes on) lost alot of weight and I wonder if she had gastric bypass surgery(like one of my Facebook friends did) or had liposuction, or took the new wonder weight-loss-drug Ozempic ,  or went to a "Fat Farm" over the summer(like my art teacher in high school did)but I just hope it wasn't the "Coke Diet" (meaning cocaine,NOT Coca-Cola) so now the 29 YR old can't insult her anymore for being fat(he can be such an asshole sometimes), and now even the UN Secretary General is scolding Israel for it's humanitarian crisis in Gaza and human rights violations and they have the nerve to tell him to resign just for speaking the truth and anyone who "dares" criticize them is called an "Anti-Semite" and even USA ( for once!) is being the voice of reason, saying for them to hold off on their ground invasion of Gaza until the Israeli hostages are released by Hamas(they've started releasing some) and more relief aid brought to Gaza, and I can understand more so why Egypt can't take in refugees since it is a really poor country(probably one of the poorest countries I've been to) but what about its neighbours that aren't as poor, such as Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE,etc. What's their excuse?

This is also the neighbour's tree, turning more orange now and I'm glad God made things like this and I hope there's still things like this on the Other Side,too, and if not, that's the one thing I'd actually miss about this place, the beauty of nature. Changing coloured leaves also show that death can be beautiful,too.

Mr. Cab Driver, f*ck you, I'm a survivor.-Lenny Kravitz.


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