Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Bath Bliss.

Christmas came early this year for me! Yesterday the bath-bombs I just ordered on Friday came already! That was fast, just really 2 days considering there was a weekend in there! I couldn't believe it! I did get a notice Sunday saying it was coming the next day but I didn't really believe it( but I kept checking just in case) even though it does just come from a city an hour away and it came by UPS  and not slow-poke half-assed Canada Post. It was a nice surprise though and I know it was "safe" to order as I've ordered from them before and unlike clothing or shoes it won't be the wrong size, cheap fabric,look nothing like the photo,etc. This morning I tried the new bubblegum flavoured one and it turned the water a pretty pink with white swirls and gold glitter. It was just sooo yummy and my indulgence. I soaked for so long I came out all water-logged with shrivelled wrinkly fingers, like when I go swimming. I also "save" the water and use it the next day(just add more hot) and also took the bath-bomb out half-way and saved it to use for another day as well, so in all I can use it for 3 days, esp. at that price! They're hand-made and organic and they're not cheap so I make it last longer than just once!

I also saw this funny survey on Twitter asking if you support the shitty money-grabbing carbon tax (as if we're not already taxed enough; close to 50% of salary goes to pay taxes in this shithole)and if you voted no it said you're a "terrorist", as the gov't would label you, as with any of their policies you don't agree with and I thought it was funny,and of course I voted no, and yesterday the 29 YR old also got the strangest delivery,too:
I thought they must have sent the wrong item, either that, or he's going to commit arson or make Molotov Cocktails  or something; what else would he need gasoline for, esp. when he doesn't even have a car.....but it turned out it's for his boss, for his car, but he's old and doesn't know how to navigate the Internet thing so he had the 29 YR old order it for him using his account and he'll just pay him for it.

Here are also shoes that I love, sort of "elf"-like or fairy-like and what I often do is see things I like online but rather than risk ordering it and what I receive doesn't look like in the photo I'll go to the stores and try and find something similar,but if I can't, and I'm desperate and really want it sometimes I just take the chance and hope for the best although I often end up ripped-off so I'm really hesitant, and the 16 YR old is considering maybe studying accounting( like my friend F who is an accountant) in university and will start by doing an introductory correspondance course first( before he commits himself and spends all that $$$) to see if it's what  he thinks it is and if he likes or not.

I like this colourful sweater as well, and yesterday and today my jawbone also hurts; right in-between my ear and my chin on the right side and feels like when you have a bruise, except I don't and I never did anything to hurt it, and my new pills make me hungry now,too, so now I'll probably end up gaining back all the weight I lost, and today it's a mild 13 C (but shitty rain) but dropping down and my hubby couldn't get an app't to get the snowtires on the car until the 27th so let's just hope that it doesn't snow until after!

This is also my dream car; a classic Mustang, either in red(as shown here) or blue. I also look forward to my bath, writing in my blog, my nap, meals, and bedtime every day and that's pretty much my days, day in and day out; I live a simple life,ha,ha,(some would say "boring") and my mother mentioned about needing a calendar so I'll get one for her for Christmas, along with a nice snug warm blanket.I think she'll like that and it's practical and something she'll use,too.

I want to get a hippie BoHo flower headband/crown like this as well. I love it so much and think it's so pretty but it's surprisingly hard to find, and I also have to be careful that I get one made of fabric though,too, and NOT cheap plastic!

Time for me to fly Oh, I've got to set myself free (Time for me to fly) Oh, babe, that's just how it's got to be Oh, I know it hurts to say goodbye But it's time for me to fly.-REO Speedwagon


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