Monday, November 6, 2023

Whatever Happened To.....?

I found this on Quora about how life turned out for people you once knew in school, once they grew up to be adults, and it's so poignant and exact such a perfect slice of life.


The smartest Kid who won every award - working in LA as a normal engineer living in a tiny flat with his partner and a cat.

Second smartest kid now working abroad and a free charity doctor and changing the world

Third smartest kid claims he works for Apple.

Bully #1 who slept with a few girls - committed suicide after terrible depression.

Bully #2 who got expelled - died in a car crash, electrocuted after he hit a lamp post 2 years after being expelled.

The pretty and friendly girl - runs a multi-million private fund for billionaires in Malaysia

The pretty chatty girl - runs a private school and very successful

Best sportsperson - a pastor and helping kids with coaching and development.

The richest kid - still trying to find a job but living off parents money.

Bubbly girl with braces married a man with a huge family hedge fund and now enjoying high Instagram life with the perfect smile

Arrogant good looking kid now sells cars for a living and struggling with fb updates

Quite and nice Korean kid grew another 6inch after military service, looking like a pop star and working in a huge financial firm

Religious kid boozing and partying every weekend

One child kid still loves himself and goes around the world watching k-pop girls.

The quiet kid who sits in front of a doctor and married a hotwife

Sleepy kid now sleepier cause two hyper kids

The quiet girl everyone makes fun of - married with four beautiful kids and living in a white picket fences house


The fat kid who loves basketball. Completes Marathon, father of 2 kids and a beautiful wife, use to travel by helicopter to an oil platform in the middle of the sea and loves writing at night as a hobby :-) (#father3jobs)


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