Sunday, November 26, 2023

Pretty Things.

There's really nothing much going on today other than my hubby has pickleball(again) like usual and he and the 29 YR old have Dungeons & Dragons  with their group and then I visit my mother later. The 16 YR old would normally have badminton today too but with his cold he doesn't have the energy to be running around.We also did our outdoor lights last night but one of the lit-up snowmen didn't work( the damn squirrels probably bit thru the wires again, the little f*ckers) so my hubby had to go to the store and get new lights and re-wire it. He also has this cool new gadget too sort of like a hand-held mini ultrasound he runs along the wiring of the string of lights and it turns red and makes a beep-ing sound and lets you know if the wires work or not(I remember as a kid when just one of the lights went out none of them would work) or if they're dead I think is really cool and sort of like the scanner a doctor puts on your legs to see if you have a blocked vein. We did a test-run last night and they shut off only after a couple of hours though and we set the timer to go until 11 pm and then turn off so tonight my hubby has to adjust it. I think they look really good though and people walking by always admire it.I also joke they can probably see it from space.

We also had a really pretty sunrise this morning I saw when I had Buddy out this morning to go pee so I had to quickly run back inside and grab my iPod to get the photos because sunrises( and sunsets) don't last for long(beautiful things never do) and I might miss it but the only bad thing is it also usually means  a warning for bad weather later in the day,of course when we're going to visit my mother. I also hope when she comes back for a visit on Christmas that she doesn't get all nostalgic and upset and decide after all that she wants to move back though, and on Black Friday I saved 100% by staying home, and my friend in Australia had bad pain yesterday and had to get an ambulance(she calls an ambo) and had to wait 30 minutes for it to come(it's as bad as here!) and it turned out it's her gallbladder and she needs to have it out and gets surgery today, just the day after;just like I did 11 years ago, only I had to wait 3 months in this shithole to get mine after diagnosis and by then it was badly inflamed, full of stones, and on the verge of rupture, and it was after that  medically speaking that everything started to go downhill for me. I was pretty healthy before that.I started to decline and fall apart when I was only 45.

Maybe then, I'll fade away And not have to face the facts It's not easy facing up When your whole world is black.-The Rolling Stones


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