Wednesday, November 22, 2023


I got my tattoo yesterday( shown here) and since I got it on Tuesday I called it Tattoo Tuesday, or Tattoosday. Of course being me it wasn't without mishap and adventure and here it is:
it was horrible awful freezing rain and it was out in the country with no lights and it was dark and we had no idea where we were going and my hubby got mad and almost turned around and went back home( because it's just something for me and not anything "important" and he also gets mad when he doesn't know where he's going because he thinks he's "perfect" and doesn't make mistakes) but we finally found it; it's just in some guy's house and then when I got there he was surprised to see me as apparantly his wife forgot to put my app't down but luckily he was home and the other person had cancelled their app't due to the weather(I'm not smart enough to do that; I still go no matter what) so I got in and I brought the image I wanted on my iPod  for him to see but he had no idea how to get it transferred without me having a phone to text to him so I suggested I log-in his computer into my Facebook account and I can get the photo I have there and e-mail it to him but then he said he doesn't know how to re-log back in to his account( he's old like me and not tech-saavy; he said he's 50) as he doesn't know his password  so what we did was just a Google search on images until we finally found it and he printed it out and made a sort of stencil he then applied to my upper mid back and tattooed in but why is everything always so difficult for me all the time though? I mean seriously, why can't things ever just go smoothly?It only took about an hour to do and he just charged me 50$ and I was expecting more like 200$ and he did a really good job and was a nice guy so I also gave him a 20$ tip.

My hubby seemed a bit hesitant at first dropping me off at this guy's house all alone isolated out in the middle of nowhere basically in an ice storm and he was a big bald bearded guy with tattoos all over his arms, hands, neck, and even on his bald head but I wasn't worried as I can pick up people's "vibes" and he felt "safe" so fearlessly in I went and besides, I know how to take care of myself. He had artwork of Tony Montana (Scarface movie) and Al Capone in the studio and it turned out he was a really nice guy and we got talking and him and his wife have been married for 19 years and have 9 kids; 5 are hers, 1 is his and they have 3 together. It was funny,too; he mentioned how he was "riding his bike" earlier in the day and I asked if it was a Harley assuming he meant a motorcycle and he laughed and said he meant an actual bike, as in bicycle, and went on to say how he restores them, and this tattoo hurt somewhat, being in a more "bony" area with not much fat or "meat" to "cushion" it and at times I had to grit my teeth, bite my lip and "curl" my toes (but I've been thru natural childbirth so compared to that  NOTHING "hurts')and for 2 hours or so afterwards it stung but now it only stings the odd time if I stretch or move a certain way and now it's all just a big black glob of dried blood but it looks really good and he did a good job and I *LOVE* it!

With all the torrential rain all day yesterday( before the freezing rain) it was also a pee-in-the-house-day for Buddy(he "doesn't DO rain!")  and if it had been colder all that would have been snow instead which I actually prefer to the rain as at least the snow is pretty and "magical" but the rain is just dreary,depressing, and wet and yucky, and another thing I also want to do before I die is go to another rock concert, and I parody the Christmas song Jingle Bells as Hairy Balls and my hubby has a cold now as well so we'll all be getting it eventually as it makes its way around the house.My hubby would never get a tattoo,either, as he's scared of needles(even medical ones!) and faints if he even sees one( even if it's for someone else!) he's such a pussy!!

Weakness is vulnerability and they'll always use it against you. Always. Never let them see you cry.


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