Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Hemmoroid Free.

Yesterday I had my annoying hemmoroid banded. Here is a photo of some of the euqipment( although mine was silver, only the best for my precious arse, ha, ha) to give you an idea of exactly what went up and deflowered my poor virgin ass.No one mentioned the tattoos on my ass so I wonder if they even noticed. They just said at first to get undressed and wrap a sheet around me and I said, Don't I even get a gown? and the nurse said I can have one if I want and said there was one "over there" so I put one on. Everything is just so half-assed here! I was also surprised it was done in the Minor Surgery dept. at the hospital as I'd hardly call a hemmoroid removal surgery and they never even "froze" it either so I felt absolutely everything  and it was awful, just horrible  and hideous! Thankfully it only took about 10 minutes but he did 2 rectal exams(with his lubed finger) and said "just try and relax..." yeah, easy for him to say; he's NOT the one with stuff getting shoved up his ass and he also shoved this big cold metal thingy up that looked like a funnel, similar to the thing the Gyno uses for internal exams and oh, my God, my poor ass didn't know what was happening to it; it was so shocked and felt so raped, so violated, andit's still traumatized, and then he did the banding itself and I felt pinching, pressure, and like something was being snipped off. He said he wants me back for an endoscopy in January,too, to check on the throat and stomach.
It was just brutal.
At least the doctor was really good though, he was really nice and comforting and reassuring about it and kept saying I was doing a good job( even though all I did was just lay there on my left side with my knees curled up to my chest and pray for it to be over) and afterwards I don't feel anything now, just cramping in my abdomen every now and then but I was scared to shit, afraid the hemmoroid( what's left of it,anyway) would explode or bleed out or something but it was ok and I can't even feel it there anymore now,either. The ER was also really crowded yesterday,too( I remember a nurse telling me before Mondays are the worst days) and people were even sitting overflowing in the hallway and in the waiting room before my procedure they only had a few magazines to read, a fishing magazine, an Avon catalog and a National Enquirer, from June, which I used to read weekly years ago as my guilty pleasure but haven't read in  at least over 10 years or so, the only one I was interested in reading, and so I picked it up and started reading and I didn't know who any of the people in it even were!

I also can't believe Christmas is less than 2 weeks away and yesterday I finally wrapped up my gifts which I hate doing. I used to love doing it as a kid and I used to wrap up everyone's but I guess I just got tired of it. Now I try and just do the lazy thing to get out of it and get gift bags but not everything fits. This is also the yummy chocolate hazelnut eggnog I had, pictured above, in case you're interested in trying it, and my hubby is in Toronto today for work, and his Christmas bonus was just 300$ less than what we need to pay our home insurance which isn't too bad, but God always provides,  and yesterday he also had a dental app't he forgot about until he got a reminder on his computer calender 15 minutes before the app't so he had to quickly haul ass,  so it was a good thing he wasn't at pickleball like he usually is,and last night I sat outside on the back porch, smoking me a J, freezing my ass off, minus a hemmoroid, and I saw a raccoon in our yard! It ran from across the pool cover underneath a bush, it was dark but I know it was a raccoon and not a cat because it was much bigger and it had a big butt and was waddling.

I also love this style of house, the Gothic style(my friend B in grade 4 had a house like this) and also Victorian style,it's my fave. kind,and  they  also have the most character, and Buddy's fur looks like it's starting to grow back in as well so I think the apple cider vinegar must be working and he's back to feeling better now too and yesterday he was so hungry after not eating anything the day before he made up for it and was starving and ate everything yesterday, even crap off the carpet, and the new federal dental coverage is coming out in stages with the first being people over age 87 which is stupid because first of all how many of them are there even alive and how many people that age even still have  teeth and then it's people over 65 and then kids under 18 but nothing for the majority of us. I also thought I had a spiritual experience yesterday: Buddy suddenly lifted up his head and whimpered and it got really cold in the room so I thought a spirit was visiting us....but it just turned out the door had  just blown open with the wind, and I heard a radio ad that said Spec Savers (for glasses) and I thought it said Sex Savers!  Life can be pretty funny when you don't hear too well, and I was rummaging thru the garbage to pick the recycling out(recycling is free, you have to pay for garbage) prepping it for pick-up and I saw what looked like a postcard ad of an awesome bronze Dachshund statue and I would love  to get it but I couldn't see the details where to buy it because it had been all covered up with dried up hard pasta sauce.

You're scared that I won't make it through the storm.-Justin Bieber


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