Yesterday I came across this photo of leather Chappal sandals from India I always called Jesus Sandals because I suppose that's the type of footwear Jesus would have worn(and I can still remember driving my poor mother crazy by calling them Jesus Christ Sandals), and I had the exact same kind in Jr. High; they were quite popular in the summers in the early 80's. I remember wearing mine until the round toe part came off. On and off I've been looking for them thru the years since as well but haven't been able to find them. I got them originally at the CNE and then later at a shop in Little India neighbourhood close to where I lived. They were just perfect for the hippie BoHo clothing I wear such as long gauze "Peasant" skirts and blouses. At least at the time they were also quite cheap. I was never one to care about prices, or brands, or logos though( even when I had $$$) I just liked what I liked and bought and wore what I liked, regardless of brand(or lack of)or style and cost. Maybe if I ever do finally make my spiritual pilgrimage to India like I've always been drawn to I can find a pair there? I also saw my Angel Bird and his mate yesterday, perched in a tree right next to me outside in the yard,(it was 10C!) the only thing there, the bright red plumage a contrast to the barren tree, and I read the Dee Snider ( from Twisted Sister) semi-autobiographical book Frats (I originally thought was spelled Fratz, thinking in German, I guess, ha,ha) and it was really riveting and good and I really enjoyed it.I read the entire thing in just a day.
I also found my Christmas sweater (shown here) only when I pulled it out of the drawer I noticed a part near the top shoulder had been chewed and bitten a hole apart by the mice making me wonder though how they got into my drawer and I didn't even know they were in my room, esp. when I ( unlike everyone else in the house!) nevereven have food in there to attract them,and I re-do classic Christmas songs too,like Weird Al I parody songs, only in a vulgar way, and my new versions incl: Rudolph The F*cked-Up Reindeer, Frosty The Con Man, Hairy Balls,. It's Beginning To Cost Alot Like Christmas, White-Trash Christmas, The Little Dumber Boy, Police Nabbed My Dad, I'll Be Stoned For Christmas, etc.and yesterday my hubby went to a chess tournament in Toronto mostly to watch but afterwards they also had a party and he even got to play some of the top-ranked players. He even got to see the champ Magnus Carlson(and he said Nakamura was originally there too but lost and left in a sulky rage; what a baby) and he saw his doctor asbout his knee as well who said it could just be arthritis, some loose "spurs" or need a knee replacement so he ordered an X-ray and MRI and today's also our anniversary and we're going out to eat and he had to go and make some asshole comment about me "over-eating" and I just wanted to slug him!
What a peckerhead!!
I also heard a McDonald's radio ad saying they have a gift that keeps giving and I replied, herpes! and joked that being trans is so "trendy" now that they even have a Trans Canada Highway and a Trans Canada Railroad, and I also noticed that most girls named "Britney" and "Ashley" are usually bitches, and I heard a construction worker was fined and ordered to pay 50 K for "disrupting" an endangered turtle habitat which is just soooo stupid; we so desperately need more affordable housing built and yet they're more concerned about crap like this! This shithole really is just so beyond ridiculous! I also wonder if the reason the kids don't love me is maybe I didn't breastfeed them long enough, and I hope when I die I'll be reincarnated as a butterfly because then I'll be beautiful, I'll be able to fly, and I'll live among the flowers.
Teach your children early what you learned late.
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