Thursday, January 4, 2024

Happy Birthday To ME!

Today is my birthday. I'm 57. It's really just like any other day except I'll be ordering-in food for my special dinner and I won't be cooking today and I told the guys they'll be on their own for food today as I'm taking mein geburtstag  off but I'm still doing laundry as people still need clean clothes and towels. When I got up there were also 2 hard boiled eggs on my place-setting on the kitchen table I thought was my birthday gift but my hubby said he was boiling eggs and they cracked so he just left them there for Buddy, who he also never, for some weird reason, ever calls by his name and only ever refers to as The Dog. I also got birthday messages on Facebook from my friends which was nice because it means they thought of me and cared enough to leave a message and it will be interesting to see if my mother phones me sometime today but I don't expect to hear anything from my ingrate kids.
They can suck it.
I also have always wanted a dreadlock wig for ages now and I finally decided to go for it and I narrowed it down to the selection here (I spent all day yesterday searching)with the first and last ones here being my faves.,mainly due to cost, most being over 300$  but for too cheap you also get a cheap-looking wig,too.Can you guess which one I picked?

I also heard that one of my hubby's nephew's his wife just had surgery to remove cancer for a second time, and 19 YRS ago they also lost a 6 month old to SIDS,too, and it was either him or one of his brothers whose son had leukemia when he was younger as well and they're just like us, an unusual high number of traumas for just one family, and it's just so unfair ,too, that some people have more than their fair share of trauma and misfortune while others just seem to effortlessly sail thru life.

They're also supposed to start releasing names of Epstein's perverted clients that frequented his Pedo Island  and I wonder if there will even be any celebrities, CEO's, industrialists, wealthy familes, Royal families, Presidents, world leaders, bankers, judges,gov't leaders, Hollywood bigwigs, etc. that won't  be on it? That's why they're all trying so hard to keep it hidden, because they're all on it! I also had a scare last night: I woke up thinking I had either rolled over onto Buddy and squished or suffocated him as he was "folded" in half and not moving and I was hysterical and full of guilt thinking I'd killed him.....but it turned out he was just sleeping, but oh, my God, the way I felt at that moment, I just absolutely did not want to live anymore. It was just the worst feeling ever!

2 questions I also want to ask my hubby are why he never calls Buddy by his actual name and just always calls him The Dog  all the time in the entire 10 years he's been here, and why he doesn't "pork" me,  but I'm also afraid of the answer,too, or at least to the last one,and did you correctly guess which wig I chose and ordered?

This one!
I just LOVE the dreads and the colour(my friend in Norway actually has real dreads like this and this colour, and she's even older than I am and a grandmother,too) and I also like it comes with a headband too as it will feel more "secure" that the wig won't come off and also it will cover up my big-ass forehead and my big pointy ears at the same time, plus, this one also cost a bit more than half what the others did, so there's also that,too. My hair has always been so thin and so fine even when I grew it long it would never be able to be successful dreads but this way(in a wig) is so easy and this way I also still have my short hair(which is easy-care and good for when it's hot) too.It's also refundable so I have nothing to lose.

Lower your expectations and you won't be disappointed.


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Is This Goodbye?

I had to post this now as it can't wait until tomorrow because there might not even be a tomorrow. Buddy had a biiiiig Clonic-Tonic seiz...