Thursday, March 28, 2024

Still Holding On.

Buddy is still holding on and dare I even say perking up and last night it even appeared that he was even coming out of his stupor; his eyes "lit" up, he told me he was hungry and licked off my lasagna plate and ate an entire plate of his dog food and drank out of his water dish( instead of me having to give him water by syringe like I have been doing) and he even walked all the way from the back door coming from outside all the way thru the kitchen! He also seems more alert and "with it" now,too, almost as if he emerged from a cocoon of being in a state of suspended animation for a few days like a switch has been turned back on and he's pretty much back to his usual self again now except for the head tilted to the one side and the unsteady gait. I now have cautious optimism  yet at the same time not too much because I know better and maybe it was just his Last Hurrah so I'm still not getting my hopes up too much but either way it's nice to see he's recovering from his stroke and feeling better and I'll just enjoy whatever time we still have left.

Yesterday I also saw my Angel Bird again after not for awhile and a raven flew past me as well I wondered were signs, maybe this is The End for me(if so at least I won't have to cook Easter dinner on Sunday!) and tomorrow is Good Friday already and also a fasting day but the last Lenten Friday as well and I still have the cough as well, now day 17 and my hubby still has his,too, and he's had it even longer than me and with Buddy so helpless following his stroke I doted on him even more than usual and he got even more love, attention,and pampering but he didn't mind it and neither did I.When he dies though my life will no longer have any meaning or purpose though and I'll have nothing left to live for anymore.

I also saw this satin jacket online the other day in the 70's nostalgia group and it made me smile because I had this exact same one when I was around 10 years old. It was the style back then and I just felt so cool with my pink and white satin jacket.It's funny how a photo of something from the past can bring back so many happy memories.I also chased a neighbour's damn cat off our veranda again as it pisses on our garbage cans; I hate cats and see them as vermin like mice, rats, raccoons, etc.and they dig up and shit in our garden,too, and and the 29 YR old said some famous hockey player from the Maple Leafs that won the Stanley's Cup trophy was his client but he didn't remember his name because he doesn't follow(or care about!) hockey( just like me) and my hubby was pressing him to try and find out who it was(because he's the only one who cares) and he said that team hasn't won in decades( which is kind of pathetic) and I heard Prince William likes "pegging" but his wife won't do it because she's not perverted(maybe that's why he has his mistress?)

  I found out some naughty young Mormons do something called "soaking" and "Jump Hump" (you can look it up) to try and "by-pass" the  pre-marital chastity rules which is obvious cheating and shocked me and now I will never see Mormons the same way ever again!  I also decided to forgive my parents for everything because no one is perfect and they did the best they could with what they had and with what they knew at the time and parenting doesn't come with a manual (it's on-the-job-training)and we all just do our best. Sadly my kids aren't so gracious to me but maybe one day if they have kids of their own they'll be more forgiving.

No emotional connections involved and i will not be rejected.-Lisa


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