Friday, April 26, 2024

My Vibe.

This was my vibe yesterday; sitting outside in the sun, smoking weed(I was able to order more this month and get my usual delivery back once again and it came in a record 30 minutes,too. Yay!) and drink my fave. Mexican mango soda! When I first woke up though it was a freezing -4C with a wind-chill of -6C and there was even frost on the car both yesterday and today! No joke, and it's almost May! I also noticed one of the hubcaps on one of the front car tires on the car is missing so either someone stole it or it went bouncing down the highway when my hubby was in Toronto last week and he never noticed, and one of my cousins in Europe saw a live production of The Phantom Of The Opera yesterday as well and I always felt "sorry" for the Phantom,too; he's just a sad lonely ugly rejected guy longing for love and acceptance and I can sympathize with that. The woman custom and hand-making my new dreads also updated me on their progress and said now they've been "felted" and are now "running thru dye baths"(they're made of wool) so it'll be awhile until they arrive but I'm soooo excited and I can't wait!

I also came across this old photo in my vault of the second-oldest horseback riding and it brought back memories as I rode horses every summer as a kid and wanted my kids to have the same experience horseback riding,too, and they also got to ride when we visited my cousins,who had their very own horses growing up( every kids' dream, to have their own horse!) and today child # 6 also turns 28 and now theyve all grown up they're ashamed and embarrased of me having bipolar and autism( and quite possibly also undiagnosed borderline as well) and think they deserve better, and I'm horrified as well to realize that in just 13 more short years I'll be 70, which is really, really, really old, and once I finally die everyone else can also move forward and get on with the next phase of their lives and yesterday I had this weird feeling on the left side of my neck/throat I can't even really quite describe,too, sort of like something was either going to pop, or a bulge, something stuck, or collapsing, but it was really weird. The recent pro-Palestinian protests on US college campuses also reminds me of the anti-Vietnam war college campus protests in the late 60's and early 70's where authorities also tried to violently quash as well.
Keep up the fight for justice and freedom!

My avatar also got another make-over, and yesterday the 29 YR old got groceries delivered, Door-Dashor whatever, only I didn't know, and when I answered the door a guy handed me a bag of groceries and I was surprised and like, Hey! I didn't know the foodbanks  even deliver now,too! We just got donated a bag of food! My hubby also had to reboot the router as our piece-of-shit Internet kept cutting out(like it often does) only he did it when I was right in the middle of watching the I ended up missing 15 minutes or so of it, instead of waiting until I was done, you know, like a courteous, thoughtful person would have done, but then he said if he waited until later on it would have interrupted something he was doing! My God, he's just so selfish! What I'm doing doesn't matter. I was also thinking about our neighbour B in Toronto the other day who lived across the street and he'd play with my friend's little brother and they'd take him to their cottage but once the parents left the room he'd kick him out of bed and make him sleep on the floor and one day I remember too he was all dressed up in a suit and tie and I said to him, Hey, Bobby, why so fancy? Why are you all dressed up? and he said, My parents got married today and I was like, Uhhhh,ok... His mother also gave birth to his little sister at home( but not on purpose, this was the early 80's and homebirths weren't a "thing" yet) and the ambulance came and took her and the baby to the hospital.

It's funny as well when I'm sitting out in my backyard smoking weed and people walk by the other side of the fence they'd probably think it was a teenager and would be surprised to find out it's actually some old lady, ha,ha,and Buddy's been barking so much lately I just can't get away from it; I can't even get 10 minutes of peace and quiet sitting outside by myself outside smoking a J without hearing him barking even all the way outside and it just makes me so weary and tired and fed-up(plus all the peeing and shitting in the house) and then I feel badly because I know he's old and he can't help it and he's just calling me for help and I should be more patient and tolerant with him and then I feel so guilty but it's really getting on my last nerve.

I could tell you the really good stuff, but then twitter would ban me and the CIA would have to hunt you down.-Illuminatibot


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