Thursday, April 25, 2024

Opinionated Opinion.

My unpopular opinions.
I actually wrote this 4-5 years ago but it still stands.

Abortion IS murder no matter what society tries to tell you, no matter what they re-name it. It STOPS A BEATING HEART and killing your own child because it isn’t “perfect” or it’s an “inconvenience” or bad timing, etc. is just selfish, callous and cold-hearted.

All these different various terms for genders and non-binary, etc. is all crap. There are TWO genders, period: male and female,and if you have any confusion on the matter it’s quite simple really: look in between your legs: penis?= male. No penis= female. No amount of dress-up and pretend will make you something that you’re not and young children are way too young and immature to have the ability to “change” genders.

Americans Second Ammendment; right to bear arms. People’s rights to safety and children’s right to feel safe at school should clearly outweigh people’s rights to own guns.Period.

Climate Change and all that enviro indoctrination and propaganda. It’s gotten way out of hand and has become like the New World religion.

Political Correctness has gotten way out of hand. Now people are afraid to speak truth, state their opinions, tell jokes, etc. for fear of offending someone, being shamed, or even charged with a “Hate” crime such as happens here in Canada. PC has taken away freedom of expression. It’s become a Fascist State.

Not agreeing with Israel’s treatment of Palestinians (and I have been there and seen first-hand the substandard conditions they live in and how they’re segregated into a ghetto) does NOT mean one is “anti-Semetic. You can disagree with Israel’s POLITICS and it has NOTHING to do with any animosity against Jewish PEOPLE.


I thought of some more so here goes:

Just because you don’t agree with LGBT lifestyle does NOT make you homophobic. The word “phobia” by definition means to FEAR something or in another context it can be used to mean to “hate” something. Just because you don’t agree with something or someone it doesn’t mean that you hate it.You can have different opinions and still be respectful.

Everything doesn’t have to be an LGBT issue all the time. They are really over-doing it in movies, TV shows etc. making so many characters gay, trans, etc. OK, we get it, LGBT people do exist and that’s fine; to each his own, but do we REALLY need it shoved in our face everywhere we go, seeing them prancing around half-naked at Pride parades, having their cause foisted upon young children in schools, etc. and considering that LGBT is a small segment of the population having it so prevelantly portrayed in movies etc. is actually an OVER representation and no, LGBT people being bullied is no different and no worse than anyone ELSE getting bullied for any other reason. Bullying is bullying.

I refuse to glorify the military. They are NOT “heroes”. They are gov’t assasins who invade other countries, rape, and kill innocent civilians, pillage destroy and steal other countries’ resources.A true hero is someone who sacrifices his own life to save another, not someone who kills.

Terrorism is not defined by religion, or by skin colour or by WHO you are but rather by the ACTIONS you commit. You don’t have to be an Arab, a Muslim, dark skinned, a foreigner, etc. to be a terrorist. Terrorism is the killing of innocent people for a political cause regardless of your race, religion, or ethnic origin.

Fat shaming is NOT OK. It is just ANOTHER FORM OF BULLYING. You don’t think fat people don’t KNOW they’re fat? oftentimes it’s genetic. In any case, what purpose does it serve and what good does it do anyone to keep pointing it out, making fun of people, shaming them, making them feel badly about themselves? It just makes you an asshole.

ANYONE can be racist, not just white folks. If a black person hates white people, he’s racist. If a Chinese hates blacks, he’s racist. Racism is when you look down on other ethnic groups and see your race as superior to others.

Feminism is crap. Women are already equal to men under the law. Feminism women want to either BE men or be superior to them. There is also a man-hating attitude among many feminists as well as looking down on traditional women’s roles such as being wives and mothers and many treat abortion as a woman’s “rite of passage.” and think men are the enemy.

The USA is NOT the “best” country in the world or the symbol of freedom. It is Imperialist and war-mongering. It’s like the schoolyard bully of the world and is always interferring with other nation’s business and itching to make war.

In North America unless you are Native you’re from immigrants and have no right to complain about immigration.

Cat-calling, whistling and complimenting women is NOT sexual harrassment. Men nowadays are scared to even compliment a woman for fear he will be accused of sexual assault/abuse. He doesn’t know what’s “safe” to say or do anymore. Also: women complain about being raped yet they wear revealing clothing with everything hanging out, advertising, “Hey guys! Come and get it!” and then get offended and cry assault when the guys react. It’s like walking down the street flashing your money or jewellery and then wondering why you got robbed.


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