Thursday, May 23, 2024

He Loves Me Not...

I found this on Quora  and boy, did it ever hit home! Damn!


You know it when?


When words are exchanged, but gestures are not.

When reading between the lines leads you only to empty spaces and voids.

When love is confessed without looking in the eye.

When you put on that favorite lip color of his, wear his favorite perfume, and dress in red, but all he cares about is you being late.

When your tears no longer cause him heart-wrenching pain.

When you spend weekends alone.

When you stop lining your eyes.

When you take care of yourself and get your own medicine, without him by your side.

When your smile no longer makes the sun shine brighter.

When you read this and recognize the feeling.

When you bear it all alone.

When this question pops into your mind.

When you try to initiate a conversation, but he’s always too busy to talk.

When you realize the spark in his eyes is gone.

When his words feel empty and his promises, hollow.

When he no longer notices the little things you do for him.

When your anniversaries and special days become just another date on the calendar.

When you feel more alone with him than without him.

When the warmth of his touch has turned cold.

When you look back at old photos and see strangers instead of the people you once were.

When his laughter no longer feels like music to your ears.

When you make excuses for his absence, but deep down, you know.

Then, you know it.

You know it when you start dreaming of a different future, one where you are free.

You know it when you stop hoping for change.

Then, then you know.


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