Thursday, June 13, 2024

A Bit Of This & That.

Yesterday I went to visit my mother and she was so surprised to see me you should have seen the look on her face! HA! It's sad too that I'm really the only one that visits her, even my hubby just drops me off and never stays; he just goes off and does his errands  and then picks me up after and the boys hardly ever come,either. She said it was a good thing that I didn't come on Sunday like I usually do too because she had diarrhrea and was in isolation for 2 days and I'd have to wear a gown, gloves, a mask, etc. Ugh!No thanks!! One of the workers also said to me, I just love your entire vibe! (my dreads, genie pants, Bob Marley shirt, and Jesus sandals)and I brought her flowers again too( purple carnations which she just loved and I got the same for me,too) as she loves flowers and it's a small thing I can do to bring an old woman some joy. I also stopped off on the way home and sat by the marina and it's so peaceful and serene by the water, it's as if it calls out to me, and I even got to see a swan swim by, a boat, a kayak, and a couple of guys fishing. My new genie pants also smell really nice,too, like incense from the store.They also had 3 sunflowers in a vase  when I got the carnations I wanted to get but it was 35$ I thought was too expensive so I didn't but I now regret it.😭

The other day I also had a Big Mac and I thought I got lucky and they forgot the pickles(so I wouldn't have to pick them off) as I checked on the top and they weren't there....but I took a bite and heard a crunch and tasted pickles...they'd just put them on the bottom instead...yuck...what a dirty trick, and yesterday I also heard crickets and cicadas as I sat outside in the backyard (that's what I like about living out in the country)and even after I'd fed the squirrels they still came up to me just for a visit and next-door they were smoking weed and Buddy smelled it and gave me a judgemnental look and I told him, It wasn't me this time! I'm not the only one that smokes weed,you know! and every time he smells it in the air he puts his snoot up in the air and sniffs. He should be a drug-sniffing dog! They were also smoking weed while cutting wood with one of those table saws,too, I don't think is such a good idea; they should saw first and then toke up. It also rained this morning  and I'd left my patio cushions out during the night because it wasn't supposed to rain until later tonight! Shit!

I also saw this cool Doxie statue I might get, and I was looking all over for my new leave-in spray conditioner as my old one is almost out and I couldn't find it and it wasn't where I put it and then realized that's where the 29 YR old got the same one; he took mine, the f*cker! I can't believe he stole mine instead of just buying his own, esp. when he has more $$$ than I do! What an asshole, so I just took it back and hid it. I feel so violated and he's a thief now,too, like the 21 YR old was. My kids are such disappointments.Last night Buddy also woke me up with this "hacking" sound and I worried he was having trouble breathing but he seems ok now, thank God. He's all I have, my whole life and my sole reason for living, and it's sad too to realize when I do die  I don't have anyone to "claim" me with the kids wanting nothing to do with me(they don't even call me on Mother's Day or send a card) and my mother in the LTC home and my hubby won't have anything to DO with death or dead bodies, but then I realized that God  will still claim me as His and that's all that really matters, anyway.

This was my view from the porch yesterday and next week is supposed to be really hot; in the 30 C + with humidex  36 C + and I heard as well Japanese men don't like Western women as they find them too "forward" ( slutty and aggressive) and maybe that was why the second-oldest didn't find anyone when she lived and worked in Japan for 3 years even though I was hoping she'd fall in love, that, plus she's also really big, busty,and tall, esp. compared to the petite Japanese people and she'd look like a Amazon in comparison  and she probably scared and intimidated them, ha,ha.

Midnight on the water I saw the ocean's daughter Walking on a wave, she came Staring as she called my name.-ELO


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Musing For Today.

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