Sunday, June 9, 2024

A Little Bit.

Not too much going on lately so just a little bit to post today. I haven't been able to talk to the 29 YR old yet to see how his pagan howling at the moon event went last night( but I know it rained) because he didn't get home until after I went to bed and he's still asleep now. I also found this photo of the almost 23 YR old( this month) and I'm horrified; she's so Goth and looks like the 28 YR old, like a vampire , and sooo totally against the way I raised her which is disappointing and hurts my heart.She looks anorexic,too. A squirrel I feed regularly also came up to me and showed me the whole peanut in a shell he had and I told him I'm sorry but I couldn't top that; all I had was a left over tortilla and some lettuce.😂

I also came across this typical kitchen from the 70's and it brought back happy childhood memories, and when I told my hubby yesterday was the third time I missed the news because of some stupid horse race he said that should be the last one and when I said how does he know  for sure and he rolled his eyes(as if I was stupid) and goes, What part of Triple Crown don't you understand? and I told him, ALL of it! I don't know anything about horse racing! but I hope he's right and it's finally over, and I heard the IDF rescued 4 more hostages....but also killed over 200 innocent Palestinians, incl,.  mostly children, so it wasn't "worth" it like they claim.
Try telling that to the Palestinian families.

Now the new Scamdemic is going to apparantly be Bird Flu, the next global scare they force everyone to be vaccinated against....or else ...and the next  tyranny I will also refuse to comply with. Today is also the day I usually visit my mother but my hubby has to work(he's had to do alot of over-time this week!) and it will be interesting to see too if she even remembers today is Sunday and calls us wondering what happened and why we didn't visit, thinking we were in a car accident or someone died( where do you think I got my anxiety disorder and worrying nature from?) and it used to be a "chore" visiting her too but now she's moved out and we get along better it's not so bad. I also heard alot of people hate Bon Jovi (like they do with Nickelback) and I think they're both ok although not "hard" enough for me but I still  like a couple of their songs and I knew this girl in college who was obsessed with them, and I also think men that are vegans and drive EVs are weenies  and nothing will ever change my mind.

You can only go forwards, never back.-Nick Schon


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