Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Almost Summer.

Yipee!! It's almost officially summer, just a couple of more days! (even though it's felt like it already for awhile)We're still in the heatwave( supposed to last all week) and next-door even put up a small round above-ground pool which does the job of keeping you cooled down but unlike our inground pool doesn't have a pump or a filter to circulate the water and keep it clean so they'll have to keep draining all the water out and re-filling it. Both Buddy and I also have cramps and diarrhrea for the past couple of days too so it's either something we both ate or else we're both being poisoned, and I had to cancel the 17 YR old's barber app't  I made for Sat. too as I just found out he's also going camping with his friend this weekend too and leaves tomorrow( yes, my hubby got the dates mixed-up yet again!) and I feel sorry for the poor kids in the schools as well since 95% of them are NOT A/C except for some of the newer highschools and they must be so sweltering hot! I can still remember my grade 4 report card,too:
She tends to taslk too much during class and distract the other students with her drawings and jokes.
I also used to be so happy then,too, but things change, trauma damages you and life breaks you.
Some dreams are also best left as dreams.

I also have to visit my mother on Saturday this week because my hubby has.....yup, you guessed it.....pickleball yet again  on Sunday (he has it several times a week)so we have to switch her visit( his stupid pickleball always interferes with everything!) and he also said when he was in Ottawa for the weekend Pizza Hut phoned him (as I guess that's the number our acc't is reg'd with) and said we placed an order and they're at the house with the delivery but no one's answering the door, even though I was outside in the backyard and I had my Ring  app with me listening for the door but I guess it didn't work so he had to call the 29 YR old(who was in the house upstairs on the third floor on his computer) and tell him to get the door. I also heard a new Criminal Minds Evolution  is coming back on one of the pay channels and I loved that show and have to find some way to download it for free because I'm cheap( ha,ha) and f*ck-face Trudeau also had the nerve at the Swiss summit to blabber on how Russia had nerve to relocate Ukranian children to Russia ( actually they were evacuated to safety like how in WWII British kids were sent to the countryside)during the conflict and "rob them of their culture and heritage" when that's the exact same thing that this  shithole has been doing to Indigenous People for centuries, incl. in Residential Schools! What a hypocrite!!

It's a persisting fact that you are different and something that makes you aware constantly that you're like an actor, very rarely will people ever see who you are behind the mask.-Gareth Rayner


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Wordless Wednesday.