Saturday, June 15, 2024


Yesterday the 29 YR old had his hair cut( seen here) and he also has that stubble/shadow on his face that all the girls find hot, and he also made this yummy  and tangy tomato and feta soup,and today and tomorrow my hubby and the 17 YR old are in Ottawa visiting the 25 YR old and so I also get a nice quiet break for 2 days and I'm also going to order-in food for a treat for the 29 YR old and I. I also made up this funny thing if the ancient Egyptian pagan god of the dead Anubis smoked weed he'd be Cannubis....cannabis and Anubis....get it? ha, ha! There's really not too much going on, except next week we're getting a heatwave and it's going to be really hot all week; 32C to 33 C with a humidex of 42 C, so waaay too hot for Buddy to be outside and maybe even too hot for me,too! It's days like that I really wish we had the pool open! Yesterday I even got over-heated suntanning as well I was sweating profusely and then stopped sweating entirely so I knew I was getting heatstroke and had to come inside in the shade to cool down. It's probably also good my hubby didn't get the sunflowers the other day as he said he would have just left them in the car in the suffocating heat for the 3 HRS while he was at pickleball and they would have wilted and died in the heat. God always seems to have a way of working things out and it's not like I'll never be able to find sunflowers again.

This morning I also used my pink & yellow bath-bomb and it turned the bath water a pretty coral colour and now I only have 2 bath-bombs left,and all the kids must be excited now with school ending and summer vacation starting in just a couple of weeks and I can still remember how excited I always was as a kid, and I still was when I was homeschooling the kids and the school year ended for the summer, and I have so many regrets in life,too, and so many things in my life I wish I could just go back and do over, and even un-do, and my poor Buddy-Boy didn't feel well yesterday and didn't eat all day( not even the buttermilk chicken I gave him, so that's how I knew he must really be in bad shape!) and he had a really gross shit,too, but then at the end of the day he must have felt better because he finally ate. My hubby also brought back home-made chili yesterday from a woman who is helping him re-size his Darth Vader costume(she does sewing) and I can't help but wonder if she might even be his mistress( he's gone over there alot to "help her with her computer") or maybe even the woman who hosts the Dungeons & Dragons  they go to...

I also saw the most awesome thing on TV: a combined washer & dryer all-in-one machine and it washes and dries all in just 2 hours! That's just so cool but probably costs something like 3-4K though, and you know you're old,too, when you start getting excited about home appliances, ha,ha, and I read a psychologist said one way you can tell if someone has an underlying personality disorder is if they're a grown woman who collects and names stuffed plush toys( like me)....HA! Who knew? I just thought I liked stuffed toys! I always knew I was disordered but never knew the stuffed toys thing was related.

You can see the stars but still not see the light.-The Eagles


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Today's Musing.