Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Je Me Souviens.

We're having a real heatwave this week! 34 C as the average temp with a humidex of 45 C! Yikes! it's waaay too hot for Buddy to even go outside at all(except to run out quickly for bathroom breaks and even then he's already panting) and even too hot for me in the mornings now too and I have to wait until it's cooler in the afternoons in the shade and the air is "thick" (and I have trouble breathing with my breathing issues). It also wasn't supposed to even rain the night before last and not only did it rain but it stormed  with heavy rain and I'd left my patio cushions out( it wasn't forecasted to rain, remember) and they got absolutely drenched (I had to put them in the dryer) and when I raced out to bring them in I also hit my head on the canopy as well. F*ck! We might get storms all week,too, not surprisingly with the humidity but at least it'll cool it down for a bit. They say it's Climate change/global warming  and all that enviro fear mongering shit but I can still remember hot humid summers as a kid and a teen in the 70's and 80's too; it's just summer and unlike now we never had A/C (or a pool) back then either so it was just brutal; all we had was little fans that sat on the table and turned around, basically just circulating hot air around. My hubby was still stupid enough yesterday to play pickleball outside in the heat and lucky he didn't drop dead of heatstroke or a heart-attack, esp at his age!

My hubby and the 17 YR old also had a nice time in Ottawa and for Father's Day went out to Swiss Chalet to eat and I also found out that A&W is Canadian too so that would explain why it sucks and it makes me wonder if Popeyes  and Little Caesars is Canadian too or if they just suck? In Ottawa they didn't go to the Parliament buildings which surprised me but likely still saw them driving by since they're right downtown and they went by our old house so the 17 YR old could see it( and all the kids except for him and the 21 YR old were born in Ottawa) and my hubby even asked the owner if they could "look around"( I can't believe the nerve; I've fantasized of doing that at my old house in Toronto but wouldn't actually do it) but the guy said no; he's going thru a divorce and in a bad place right now, etc. and my hubby said he looked like shit, all dejected and broken(it's so sad and I feel sorry for the poor guy) and he had furniture and stuff all thrown out on the lawn,etc.) and he wasn't a Vietnamese guy, either, so NOT the same guy we'd sold it to but someone else, so they just looked around from the fence and they still have our old swingset and the clubhouse my hubby built all those years ago when the kids were little and added on another addition(we'd added 2 more bedrooms and another bathroom when we were there).I liked that house, have fond memories of it( except for the fire and our enemy) and was sad to leave but an enemy was after us( and still hunted us down even for 6 weeks after we'd left,too!) but the kids' safety comes first.

Now there's also milkweed fluff flying all over and it's not good for my poor allergies and my eyes are always puffy, swollen and itchy now, and I've run out of my diuretic, potassium, and cholesteral pills now and not re-newing, not wanting to have to pay 60$ (20$ each)each time to re-new, and it's probably best I'm not on so many medications,anyway,and better to wean myself off, and I only needed the potassium because I was on the diuretic,anyway,and now I'm off that I no longer have to get up during the night to pee anymore now,either! A bonus!The 17 YR old also has a haircut booked for the weekend and next month he goes away camping with his friend and his family for a week.It was also on this day 18 June I first met my hubby and all of my old friends at the YMCA group in Ottawa in 1988. I had the best times with that group and those people and it was one of the best times in my life and the only time I ever really felt I fit in and belonged anywhere.

The truth is always worth the price no matter what price that may be.-Slack Mack


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Today's Musing.