Saturday, June 22, 2024


A public service: just in case you were ever wondering: cooked pineapple with Buffalo sauce does NOT taste good! In fact, it's absolutely gross!! it said Pineapple skewers  on the box and the rest of the print was so small I couldn't see it so I thought it was like a meat souvlaki only with pineapple sauce.
Instead, it was actually pineapple on a stick with hot sauce on it. NOT a good combination, I dubbed a Shitsicle because it looks like a Popsicle but tastes like shit. Even the 29 YR old didn't like it and he eats anything.
Last night I also saw fireflies in the backyard which was a nice treat and this morning I used my second-last bath-bomb, another lavender one that turned the water a milky light purple/lilac colour and now I only have one left for next weekend; a rainbow-colour one that's actually( and I kid you not) named Unicorn Poop.- no joke!
Last night Buddy would also bark in his sleep on and off and I would check on him to make sure he was ok and he was asleep so he must have been dreaming but it was so weird because he's never done that before.

I also had to change the water for my sunflowers as it was all brown and slimy and gross and the flowers also had this gross slimy white fuzzy fungus on them as well and one of the heads even fell off and they're dying already even though sunflowers  usually last 1-2 weeks,  and it doesn't look like Mr. Sunflower across the street even has any sunflowers this year unless they're just still so small now that I just can't see them yet,and my hubby's pickleball BBQ for tomorrow got cancelled ( ha, ha) due to the thunderstorm forecast so we're back to visiting my mother tomorrow like nornmal(instead of switching it to today like we were going to, and I hate it that everything's always revolves around HIM and his schedule all the time)) and he checked with a repairman about the broken dishwasher as well and he said the service call alone costs 200$ and that doesn't incl. parts or labour and a new dishwasher just costs 300$, plus it's old too; at least 21 YRS old because it was here when we bought the house so it's probably hard to find parts anyway, likely discontinued. It also pisses me off how USA is mad Russia is selling weapons to North Korea when USA sells arms to Ukraine( to use against Russia) and Israel( to commit genocide in Gaza) so what can they  really say, the hypocrites, plus who made them Boss  of the world,anyway? No one needs their "permission" to do anything.

I also heard yesterday was National Dachshund Day ; the longest day of the year for the longest dog( makes sense) and for the past couple of days I've had this recurring dream I'm trapped in a burning church in a fire with no way out as all the exits are blocked and I can see my fingers melting off like wax, and my hubby says the reason we have mice is because "no one ever cleans" too when actualy it's because we live out in the country and they come in from outside but I told him if he doesn't like it he can always clean himself, and I saw one of the neighbours riding around on his lawn tractor like he was King Shit (but he is from Toronto though so that's probably why) and next-door has a propane tank in their yard as well that worries me if it explodes in the heat( or when they're smoking right next to it) it might explode and take our house with it. I also have my usual summer fragrance now,too: a combination of weed, suntan oil,and bug repellent.The 29 YR old was also elated everyone at 'Da Club liked his hat the other night,too and I told him all that really matters though is that he likes it and what he thinks; you buy things for YOU, not for anyone else, and it concerns me how he's always trying to "impress" people and cares so much about what other people think.

The dogs lay at your feet, Edie Oh, we caressed your cheek Oh, stars wrapped in your hair, Edie Life without a care But you're not there.-The Cult


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