Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Esteemed Checkered Shoes.

These are my old retired Beloved Checkered Shoes,  the ones that have travelled the world with me and oh, the stories they could tell! If they wrote a book about their world travel adventures it would be titled something like The Adventures of The Travelling Shoes or The Shoes That Walked Around The World. They are also now permanantly hard and crunchy after I fell into the Caribbean Sea that time as I was climbing aboard a sailboat and it was wet and slippery and I fell and plunged into the water, soaking my shoes, my clothes, and the camera which was hanging around my neck. I have decided to name their replacement my Esteemed Checkered Shoes. Yesterday my hubby was also supposed to go pick up my pills( which I run out of tomorrow) but decided to play chess on his computer instead so he HAS to get them today( no more delays or excuses!) or else I'm f*cked (and it's my migraine pills,too, not something I want to run out of!)and yesterday he also did some driving just around town and he said afterwards his knee was weary and tired.....yeah, there's NO WAY he ever would have been able to drive all the way to Toronto and back today for work, just 5 days post-Op!
HA! I told him so( but no one ever listens to me!)

Yesterday we also got one hell of a thunderstorm and it lasted 2-3 hours with torrential rain,  90 KM/HR- plus winds,.a rain warning and even a tornado warning( which came during my naptime and I blissfully slept right thru) but poor Toronto got it much worse, incl. baaaad flooding and over 100 mm rain which is more than a month's worth of rain( a month's would generally be around 70-80 mm) in just 1-2 hours and the Don River over-flowed, major roads and highways were all washed-out leaving motorists stranded, cars literally floating and people trapped on their car roofs needing rescue, and the subway stations flooded and even the train station had water gushing out  and flowing down the stairs and looked like a waterfall and thousands lost electric power,too. The 29 YR old and his boss had to make their way home from work in that as well and said they had to drive thru "rivers"and they saw the floating stranded cars.

This was also yesterday's lunch, a mix of greens & grains, and it's sad to realize as well that I'm not even the protagonist in my own life and I'm like the heroine of a tragic novel that never gets the happy ending, and and this morning I have this sharp pain under my left boob as well so is it just a "pulled" muscle or something because I slept "wrong", or my heart perhaps, or maybe even breast cancer, and sharp "twinges" shoot thru even more when I reach out or bend over, and this morning as I pumped out the cream after my bath a clot came out which was gross and gives a new meaning to "clotted cream",and I still smile too remembering the Fatheads game I invented and played years ago with the 21 and 23 year olds when they were little,too: they had these stuffed plush Hamtaro toys that looked like, well, big fat heads so I named them fatheads  and we had this silly but fun game every night before bed where I'd toss the toys back and forth to them and yell, Fatheads!  and they'd have to catch them and we'd throw them back,(yelling Fatheads! )and forth to eachother.
I wonder if they even still remember that? 
The kids seem to have a habit of only remembering what I lack (and all the things I did wrong)and not all the fun things we used to do together.

Now I'm even more convinced than ever that the Trump "assassination" attempt was all staged. I think it was all just an "act"; for "show" to make him more popular before the election, to ilicit sympathy, and sadly it's working. I think when he grabbed at his ear when he was "shot" was actually him activating a "squib" ( a fake blood pack like actors have) and  that flimsy gauze bandage he sported  on his ear the next day was so laughable as well, plus he wasn't wearing it just before  while playing golf, just for his appearance at a rally later in the day, again, all for show. It was also "fishy" how moments before shots rang out several people in the front row ducked and took cover, as if they knew ahead of time it was coming and when so they were prepared  and ready and waiting for it, and it would also excplain why Trump didn't panic and was so "brave" afterwards, because he knew about it and it was all just part of the plan all along.
It was all just a ploy, nothing more than political theatre.
What a dirty trick though, esp. since an innocent person WAS killed and 2 others injured.

I ain't good looking, baby But I'm somewhat sweet and kind.-Allman Brothers Band


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