Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Off The Wall.

My new Vans checkered shoes came yesterday(shown here) Look how new and clean and bright they are! The 29 YR old goes, You already have checkered shoes! ...yeah, that are 25-30 years old and all worn out and have a hole in them, which is why I had to  begrudgingly get a new one, and this from a guy who owns even more pairs of shoes than I do, incl. expensive designer brands like Gucci! He also went to the new Korean & Japanese grocery in town yesterday and bought a bunch of cool-looking stuff but he had no idea what it actually was or how to prepare/eat it because the instructions were all in Japanese or Korean so it was a mystery and a surprise! HA! I also got some excitement,too: there were 2 firetrucks with sirens at one of the neighbours and shortly after an ambulance came ( also with siren) but no efforts to put out an actual fire and then someone was loaded onto the ambulance and taken away, sirens blaring, so my guess is heart-attack because fire also has a defib and they can get there much quicker (2-3 minutes or so)than the ambulance can...
That's the most excitement we've had around here in a long time!

I was also able to get into Patti's Facebook  even though she blocked me and find a photo of one of Buddy's puppies( now 6 years old) and here she is:
meet Cricket!
She just used me for Buddy to get her dog prego and once it was confirmed she cut me off and blocked me and I never even got to see the puppies. They had 4 but one was born dead. She was just one in a long line of many so-called "friends"  in my lifetime that  used and/or betrayed me.
The 29 YR old was also mad that the 17 YR old stole the bread he'd been saving for his breakfast and ate it but he always does that to everyone else; takes our food so now he knows what it feels like and it's not nice! The 25 YR old and her BF were also trapped in an elevator in their building and it dropped down 7 floors but luckily they got out ok but holy shit is that ever scary and I bet their pants were full! Today the 17 YR old also leaves for camp(until Sunday) with his friend and his family.

I also like this cool pattened shirt, and my friend L( from grade 10) said awhile ago she had really sore legs and was short of breath and her daughter urged her to go to the ER so finally off she went and they took her vitals and whisked her to the back right away and had a CT scan done....and asked if she has a DNR and she was like WTF?...it turned out she had over 50 bloodclots in her lung and leg and they told her she would have been dead by the next day if she hadn't come in when she did and spent a long time in the ICU and is now on blood-thinners for the rest of her life! She also had a stroke shortly after having her first baby so it makes me wonder if she has some sort of clotting disorder? My hubby also said he IS "capable" of driving all the way to Toronto tomorrow just 5 days after his knee surgery too even though I think it's over-doing it too soon and he gloats that I've "been wrong about everything so far" even though I WAS basing it on past experience and his last recovery when he had the surgery  before and he's so arrogant too he even thinks he knows more than the doctor!

The more I find out about the Trump assassination attempt the more it apears to have been "staged" as well; it was planned and allowed to happen; for one thing if a AR-15 rifle was used it still would have blown off  his ear and not just "nicked" it, and the so-called "shooter" seems to have been a "patsy" just like the guy who supposedly shot JFK( when it was really the CIA) as he was this nerdy  seemingly special-needs guy with NO social media accounts and no Manifesto(and  also a Republican, so why would he shoot his own guy?), that has a ZERO digital footprint; it's like he's a ghost(like a CIA operative's profile....) and apparantly the FBI are having trouble "cracking" his phone,too( they can hack every phone in the world except for this guy?) and people that knew him said he tried out for the rifle club in school but failed as he was a "terrible shot", and several people reported seeing him up on the roof with a gun and reported it yet authorities were slow to respond and even then still let him take off a few shots BEFORE taking him "out".......and now Trump's legal case has also  been dismissed and he's being hailed as a "hero" and a "martyr" for surviving it....
It all just seems too much like some sort of set-up....
Everything is an illusion.

I know it hurts to say goodbye But it's time for me to fly It's time for me to fly It's time for me to fly-REO Speedwagon


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