Thursday, July 25, 2024

On My Mind.

I just love this photo; it's just the perfect shot! The gov't is also trying to convince everyone that the shithole is rabies-free too which is a crock of shit considering animals like skunks, raccoons, rats, squirrels,foxes,etc. are known to carry and transmit rabies and why else would vets immunize dogs and cats from it? Yesterday the dog next-door in his yard also kept barking and I recognized it was a warning bark, trying to alert his hooman(who just just telling him to shut up) and I wondered what was coming and then shortly after I heard thunder so he was warning we were getting a storm,which oddly never came  and passed over us (although Toronto got it good)other than the thunder which was weird. Aren't dogs just wonderful though?

I'm excited too as the Billy Idol concert is really close now; just 2 weeks tomorrow and I can hardly wait as I've been waiting over 40 years for this moment; I just hope nothing happens to cancel it so I can't go and end up missing it; that he doesn't get sick or the building doesn't collapse or something, with MY "luck". I also can only afford to either buy a T-shit or get food when I'm there but not both because stuff at those venues is just sooo expensive (like 75$ for a shirt and 30$ for a slice of pizza and a drink)  and I'll be there for something like 3-4 hours so food always wins. I also heard Netanyahu is in DC, probably to mooch off Biden for more weapons for his genocide in Gaza so he can slaughter even more Palestinians so if anyone's eager to assassinate anyone you know where he is.
Just sayin'.
That's the kind of shit that gets me banned on Facebook and Twitter but this is my blog and my space and I'm not censored and where I'm free to say whatever I want so f*ck it.

My hubby also can't understand why I love flowers( and he's still going on about why I don't just get artificial flowers for my mother and I and it really pisses me off) music and animals so much but I don't "get" it either how he can like math, anime, and super hero crap so I guess that makes us even. He also doesn't see what I see in travelling,either and why I pay $$$ just to "go and look at a bunch of  old ruined broken stuff" like the ruins in  Giza,Athens,Nazareth,Rome and Pompeii, etc. but it's the experience of actually being there and seeing with my own eyes that same places I learned about in history and geography class and getting to see artifacts that are thousands of years old and even walking in the same places that Jesus walked. There's nothing like it and he just doesn't know what he's missing. He's just so deprived and uncultured and he hasn't even been out of North America!

I also had this yesterday,too: my all-time fave. go-to snack: chicken parmesan bites from Papa Johns. I just love them and they're so garlic-y and yummy & delicious, the kind of yummy goodness that just makes your eyes roll in the back of your head, your toes curl and makes you moan in pleasure. Eating is definitely one of life's greatest pleasures. What bugs me as well is the kids thinking it was so "bad" here but they seem to forget how they got to do all kinds of lessons and activities(cheerleading, Cub Scouts, sewing class, Cadets, youth groups, homeschooling groups,etc),etc. and like how we recognized, encouraged, invested in, and nurtured the 28 YR old's gift at piano ever since he was little, and paid for the lessons and then even with the private special teacher once he got too good and "outgrew" the "regular" teacher and even got to a grade 10 level( the level able to teach) before even a teen, etc. and that we've always encouraged their  creativity,talents and interests and if it really was so "bad" here then how come the 29 YR old is still here?

I also like this sunflower skirt but at 50$ I'm not likely to actually buy it and I've never been what you call "cool" but I've always been funky and unique and had my own style  and marched to the beat of my own drummer, and once your dream dies part of you dies with it.

The world is merely a stage and everything we see is a performance.-Donnie Westmoreland


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Daily Chuckle..

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