Monday, July 22, 2024

Summer Daze.

Yesterday I visited my mother and you can see in the photo here how swollen,puffy, and fluid-filled my legs are and she said her friend Auld had a papercut on his finger which ended up becoming this raging infection,too, and turned to sepsis and now his entire arm is all swollen and in a sling and she still even remembered that TV show Emergency! that we both used to watch back in the 70's when I was a kid,too, and even remembered the actors' names which surprised me and she wanted my hubby to pick her up food at Wendys  as well even though they do feed her there at the LTC home, and as always as soon as I got home I said to Buddy(who was eagerly waiting for me at the door) Where's My Boy? Who's a good boy? and my hubby, mocking me, said the same thing to the 17 YR old when we walked thru the door as well. Ha, ha, very funny.

I also got my mother pretty purple carnations she likes and sunflowers for myself and Biden dropped out of the US Presidential race as well after being pressured and bullied to do so for being old and senile and I feel sorry for him and even his own people turned on him,too; loyalty never lasts and even your own people will eventually turn on you and betray you and once you get old they'll kick you to the curb, and if Kamala Harris becomes the new nominee and wins she'd be not only their first female prez but also woman of colour,too, and my hubby says we have alot of flies because the house is so dirty but I think it's more likely due to decomp somewhere like maybe a dead mouse or something or perhaps just from the garbage can in the kitchen and just rotting garbage from the summer heat but if it bothers him that much there's nothing stopping him from cleaning  himself, or making the kids do it, or even hiring someone to clean if he thinks it's that bad.

Poor Buddy's also so old and roly-poly now too(as well as being so long being a Dachshund) when he's on his side he has trouble getting up and he just keeps rolling (it's quite comical to watch actually) and I have to lift him up and get him back upon his feet and I had weird nightmares as well; one where my hubby was admitted to the mental ward and another where the oldest had part of his skull missing, like from a shotgun blast; it was a big crater in one side of his head but he was still alive, so I just hope he's ok in real life; that it doesn't mean he's suicidal or going to get shot or anything.

Being different also isn't always a bad thing,either.
Sometimes being different  means being unique.
Or being exotic.
Or even beautiful.

Love is my religion.-Lenny Kravitz


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