Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Thinking About.

OK, so now for damage control at the Olympics they're trying to "excuse" that obscene and degenerate Opening ceremony as "not insulting Jesus and Christianity" but claiming it was really actually just theatre depicting Greek mythology featuring pagan false gods. Yeah, I don't know if I really believe it or not but even if that is true how do you explain this:
The Golden Calf (shown here)
a symbol of idolatry and false worship in the Old Testament like the ancient Israelites committed. Hmmmmm?
We all know who rules the world today and whom the majority of society obeys and follows, and besides, it's not even really like the real Olympics anyway without Russia there to give everybody real competition and to kick everyone's ass and to get all the gold! HA!😂
I'm also surprised as well to already see some orange leaves changing colour on top of one the maple trees and sad,too: my friend D( from grade 6) has given up on his vineyards after 4 years. He bought it hoping to be successful but even after learning all he could, attending vintner's seminars, workshops, etc, getting up every day at 6 am and suiting up and spraying pesticides, etc. he still falls victim to the elements; frost, flooding, drought,insects, etc. and never gets a decent crop so he decided it wasn't worth the effort. It's always sad though whenever someone's dream falls apart.All that hope, time, effort, $$$, and dreaming, all for nothing.

Yesterday was also 29 July, a day that will always be imprinted into my memory and I will never forget as it was on 29 July 1979 that I got my first dog, a Beagle, and I can still remember as well my friend T( from grade 5) telling me her boarder was their "maid",too, embarrassed to tell me they rented part of their house out even though it's very common in Toronto, even back then, as costs are so high, and I remember my friend D( from Jr. High) her parents rented the top half of their house out to a woman (and her dad was surprised,too, saying to me about us, "You mean it's just you and your mother who live in that house?")and their oldest daughter and her 2 kids lived in the basement and my friend and her parents lived on the main floor, my next-door neighbour had renters sharing his house,and my neighbour George across the street rented the top of his house to a woman named Soraya and I laugh too still remembering her ending a date and the guy tried to get "fresh" with her and she slapped him( ha,ha) and then he peed on her house! HA! I also figure since the kids called me Mama if I ever have grandkids(and if I ever get to see them) maybe they can call me Grand Mama, or maybe Oma?

Yesterday The Teacher also left in his car and came back in under just 10 minutes as well  but didn't have any shopping bags or anything and it made me wonder if maybe he just went to make sure  and check that the body was still where he buried it( as that is one creepy guy!) and his car is sooo loud,too, it always makes this really loud noise as it starts up and you can even hear it rumbling going down the street; maybe someone will give him a new muffler for his birthday or something? Someone also keeps eating my peach yogurt I have in the fridge with my name on it and I suspect the 29 YR old but he denied it and blamed the 17 YR old who also denied it but the 29 YR old is known for always stealing other people's food the most(and for lying) and a Christmas song started playing on my playlist as well and begun...I think I hear a sleighbell.... and I skipped it, saying, Oh, no, you don't! Not for a few more months! and I had my recurring dream again I move back to my old Toronto house,too, and this time I said, My first day back home I'm going to have a bath in the claw-foot tub!  and it made me very happy.
It's the Simple Things in life that make me the happiest and I enjoy most.

I also figured to try and NOT dwell too much on the past  and kicking myself over past mistakes and regrets because what's done is done and you can't change it, and to just try and concentrate on the present moment, and as I was praying to God for answers about my medical issues I kept seeing the same thing over and over repeated online making me wonder if it might be the answers I seek:
 Lymphedema and Antiphospolipid Syndrome:
Normally your lymphatic system collects extra fluid, proteins, and toxins and returns it to your bloodstream but if it doesn't work well( due to auto-immune disorders, or cancer, post-surgery or chemo, heart or kidney issues, for example) the fluid all backs up and you get all puffy and swollen and Antiphospolipid Syndrome is a blood-clotting disorder that causes multiple clots in the body and can cause strokes and heart-attacks, etc. and  , also an auto-immune disorder, which also might explain the hemmoraging and the  gigantic blood clots I always get following birth, so big they're the size of the baby's head!I also had bleeding  on and off from 10 weeks with the 26 YR old's pregnancy due to a blood clot in-between the placenta and the cervix causing him to be born at 35 weeks, and maybe that's also the reason I had 6 miscarriages?..... It just makes me wonder....

Maybe your path is harder because your calling is higher.-IlluminatiBot


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