Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A Great Day!

Yesterday I had a great day at the CNE and it could likely be my last time going.The weather was perfect, the traffic was good on the way down( not so good on the way back; it took 2 hours just to get to Oshawa) and it wasn't crowded. It was much smaller than last year though with less vendors and I was pretty much done in 2 hours. We left at 9 am and stayed until 4 pm but still didn't get back home until 8 pm. I'm sorry the photos are out of order but today (after such a fantastic day yesterday) I'm back to my usual life with nothing going right; I took something like 12 photos and only 4 loaded; it kept saying there was nothing in the file and it took over an hour before I could finally get them all up on here; I had to end up re-booting my piece-of-shit computer but here they  finally are.
You're welcome.
After some 4 years(maybe more) of looking I also finally found the hippo socks I was looking for,too, and even in my fave. colour: purple! I didn't get much as there weren't as many vendors as usual( less and less each year) but the good is I only spent under 50$! Some years I've spend 200$ or so.

On the way back we also stopped off in Oshawa at a restuarant( the food is just as expensive as at the "Ex" where I paid 13$ just for some measly lomein noodles for my lunch and I was going to get a sticky BBQ bun with it too except the bun cost 6$ so I just said forget it; no way) and I had this yummy Pina Colada smoothie(in a pineapple shaped glass I kept; I know, I'm just so bad!) but I also got this massive brain freeze and I had a spinach cheese dip with pita wedges. A Rastaman also liked my dreads and shouted out to me, I like your dreads, Sista!  and someone else liked my sequin backpack and another lady liked my shirt and even took a photo! There was also a toddler sitting in front of me watching a show that turned around and smiled at me which melted my heart and goes to show that NOT everyone hates me and it was fun as well to just sit and watch the people go by.

I also got this cute crochet sunflower, the size of my hand. I liked the big one but it cost 55$ and there was no way I was going to pay that and this one was just 15$, more reasonable ,and it now sits on my computer desk. There was also this abstract Bob Marley art I liked but it cost 80$ so no way. I sat on the grass under a tree for awhile too as I can't walk much( and the stairs almost gave me a heart-attack) and I heard a gunshot but it was only one (and not a volley of shots) so I wasn't too worried. On the drive  I also had my headphones on and listened to my music and my hubby told me to "stop bouncing around" (he hates seeing me happy)when I was grooving and had the music in me and he listened to his boring podcasts, again showing how we basically just co-exist but have our own separate lives and separate interests.

This is also the Midway before it got crowded.

I got this great shot of the CN Tower.I can still remember when I was a kid and I could see the process of when it was being constructed.

On my way.

Dark chocolate ganache with bitter orange I paid a ridiculous 12$ for.
I know, I know.

Maori dance troupe that came all the way from New Zealand(they even did that cool Hakka warrior dance) and my hubby said about kangaroos and I told him That's Australia; this is New Zealand, you ignoramus; you're just soooo uncultured!
I mean, really!

This is also the entrance to the CNE, also called the Prince's Gates and when I was a kid I always thought it was called the Princess Gates. HA!
This is also Mr. Sunflower's sunflowers I got a photo of on the way by.

I also saw 3 separate rainbows yesterday which I think must be a sign(signs are everywhere; you just have to look) although for what I'm not sure but I do remember having a revelation before that I see a rainbow just before I die.

I’ve come alone and i have to leave alone. Nobody cares if I live or die after a point. So I’ll Live for what matters to me before I die.-Yahiya Ali


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