Friday, August 23, 2024

Bug-Off & Buzz-off!

Check out our wasp trap, all full of not only wasps but a bunch of flies as well! Yeah! If it weren't for all the bugs summer would be perfect. It was so full it was starting to smell pretty "ripe" so I emptied it out into the toilet and flushed them all away and washed it out and re-filled it. Earlier I also bumped into it as it was hanging up and I got up out of my chair( because I'm clumsy like that and have no sense of perception or space) and got pineapple juice all over my shirt so the good is I smelled sweet like pineapple for the rest of the day but the bad was it also kept attracting wasps! This morning I also soaked  and enjoyed in my new bath-bomb which was half purple and half blue and turned the water a sapphire blue colour and now I only have one more left; the orange one that actually even has slices of real orange in it. I'm really enjoying these 2 days off of quiet with just Buddy, the 29 YR old and I here at home and I still have laundry and dishes but don't have to cook with only 2 of us here; we just get whatever on our own and next weekend when my hubby's in Albany at a chess tournament I'm going to order-in some food for the rest of us.

I also found some more photos of the kids and this one is the now 25 YR old as a mermaid; 3 of the girls went thru this mermaid phase when they were little and even made their own tails and I wonder as well if the 17 YR old might even have Marfan Syndrome  or Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome too as he has the typical tell-tale physical characteristics of it, being really tall, thin, lanky, and scarecrow and/or giraffe-like, and the only thing is it being a connective tissue disorder is that it also puts one at a high risk for aneurysms...I also heard the other day they had the stupid hockey Stanley's Cup here in town people stood in line to venerate, pose with and take photos with and touch. Talk about idol worship!!

This is also the now 23 YR old when she worked part-time at the grocery store as a teen( a few of the kids did actually, saving up $$$ for post-secondary) and the 17 YR old was thinking of studying to become a computer programmer too but now with AI taking over everything it might be obsolete in the near future so he might have to re-think his future career now, and with my hubby away a couple of days he's shut down his computer too, not wanting me to see anything, like he has something to hide, either not wanting me to use anything for "Spy Stuff" or not wanting me to find his mistress or see security clearance work stuff,, and it was the same when I was at the concert using one of his cell phones,too; he told me that there were certain things I was under no circumstance to touch/access/phone.,etc. as well, making it highly suspect, not that I'd even be able to figure out how to anyway but hmmmmm....

This is also the now 25 and 26 YR olds as teens and now Mr. Sunflower has 12 blooms and I wonder too what his secret is to stop the squirrels from eating his plants like always happened to me or if it was just more of my bad luck,and at the "Ex" they also had this ball that automatically returned to you every time as well but there's no way I'd buy that stupid thing as it would drive poor Buddy nuts playing Fetch, and I don't think having Black mascots for Uncle Bens and Aunt Jemima etc. is racist,either, but what I DO think is racist is getting rid of all the Black mascots and I never saw them as symbols of servants or slaves, either, but rather just as someone's uncle and aunt that had good recipes. Why do people always have to make everything a race or gender issue all the time,anyway?

Kiss me, I'm dead inside.-Green Day


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