Sunday, August 25, 2024

Fly Natty Dread.

Today I visited my mother and on the way back I finally found the wooden beads for my dreads I've been looking for all over for months! Actually my hubby saw them first and told me about them(I was going to go to the craft store): and they were at the Dollar Store of all places, so a really good price,too! I got a pack of 24 dark brown ones and a 24 pack of lighter brown ones. I ended up using most of the dark ones and half of the lighter ones. I really like it! My mother also said a lady at her dinner table group died and they're having a kid's fashion show,too, which she thinks is kind of lame but still said she'll go to anyway simply because she has nothing better to do. The 17 YR old also left for camping with his friend (I thought it wasn't until next weekend)and comes back later this week and I won't be able to visit my mother next week as my hubby will be away at a chess tournament and it's sad too she said most of the residents there don't even get visitors so I guess their kids are ingrates like mine and just abandoned them  and left them there to die.

I also got Buddy a new toy, shown here, and it crinkles when he gums it( he only has 2 teeth left) and he likes it so I'm glad, and guess who also did a gross diarrhrea on the Persian rug in my bedroom early this morning before we got up but the smell alerted me? He was also licking it up to try to "hide" the evidence,too(just  ewww!!) and my hubby  berated me saying I was "hootin' and hollerin'" and I told him I wasn't; that's a redneck thing (which is why he says it  because he's a redneck)and I wasn't at a bar, a sporting event, tailgate party, the Legion, a poolhall,  country jamboree,etc, where all the hootin' and hollerin' goes on; I was just mad he shit on my floor but he always has to belittle and insult me,and I got stung by a damn wasp again only this time I was just sitting there in my chair and the little f*cker just comes right up and embeds its stinger in my leg for no reason, the asshole! It's really swollen and took 2 Benadryl for the itch to finally stop and I have to keep taking it every 2-3 hours (so now I'm really sleepy!)or it comes back and the 29 YR old was surprised that baking soda helps with the itch. The entire nail on my right baby toe also peeled completely off just like it always does on the baby toe on the left foot for years.

The 29 YR old also painted this and he did another one as well he hated and I found it in the garbage can this morning so I rescued it and I really like it ( it looks so intense, like a scream, inner turmoil, angst) and kept it but he got mad and raged I "better not have posted it online" embarrassed not wanting anyone to see it and I had already put it up on my Facebook and Twitter so he made me delete it as the only way he'd let me have it( even though once he threw it away he gave up all claim to it and once I took it out of the garbage it was mine) and even threatened to smash it with a hammer and throw it out  so I couldn't have it if I didn't, and I had it hanging on the wall in the rec-room in my computer nook but he raged he doesn't want to see it and now I have to "hide" it in my bedroom but I hate it how even my own family always tries to control me too and my entire life I've always been threatened, blackmailed, coerced, had things "held over" me ( even my abuser from when I was 4 threatened he'd throw my fave. toy in the furnace and burn it in the fire if I ever told anyone he was molesting me) to control me, and even my family if I do this/don't do that they'll "punish" me in some way, and I'm just so, so tired of it.

I also saw this sweater I like, and the 25 YR old does podcasts where she reviews books as well but I think it's boring to just hear someone else's reviews of books, movies, etc.I prefer to just read it myself. I don't care what anyoen else thinks and I won't read/watch something or NOT read/watch something just because someone else recommended it or said it was good or bad. I decide for myself and make up my own mind. I like what I like and I watch/read it if I want, and couldn't care less what other people think of it or if they thought it was good or not. I also have this weird pain on the right side of my head,too, that feels sort of like a "zapping" pain or like an electric bolt and my hubby has this week off vacation he just told me today too so now I have to switch around my menus again.
F*ck it. He can just get his own food.

There's alot wrong with me but there's alot right with me,too.-Deion Sanders


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