Saturday, August 17, 2024

Guess Who?

The other day I came across this photo online and I thought, Whoa! He's handsome!
and then I found out who it was and my heart just sank.
Can you recognize him?
Believe it or not, it's a young Adolf Hitler!
Yes, really! Hard to believe but that monster with the creepy little moustache was once a very handsome young man! Who knew? But then again, Lucifer was also so handsome too he was called an Angel Of Light.
I can also see a sadness, a sorrow, a hurt, in his eyes that shows he once had humanity in his heart at one point.It makes you wonder though  what happened to him in life(I do know his father was very abusive and when his mother died it devastated him) to break him and  make him so brutal  later on as we are all a product of our environment.

Yesterday I took this shot of a plane flying over our house and you can see how low it was by the details you can see. It was roaring loud as f*ck,too. This morning I also had a tie-dyed( but mostly purple) bath-bomb but it turned the water a yucky almost black colour, but the one last week turned it a pretty azure blue like the water in the Caribbean, and I heard a rumour as well that Wayfair is also involved in human trafficking and I don't actually know if it's true or not but given the problem with modern-day slavery, human and child trafficking nowadays I guess anything is possible and I saw a photo of PM Trudeau yesterday as well and I was shocked he looked sooo gaunt and thin he looked really sick actually, that sunken tell-tale look like when you have AIDS or cancer but in his case I'd be more likely to suspect too much coke,sniff,sniff-if you know what I mean, but either way it's shocking and makes me feel sad even if I don't like him it's still sad to see someone look so poorly.

More photos of my cousins on safari in the Rift Valley and just to be clear they are NOT on a hunting safari( they're NOT those kind of people!) and the only thing they shoot are photos with their camera, and this one are the hippos even though it's hard to see as they're mostly submerged under water and at their lodge they're staying at is surrounded by wildlife as well and they just look out their window and can see them running wild outside all around them so I guess they have to watch out and be careful every time they go outside and not wander around at night when most of them hunt.





Look how close the elephant is!

Here is my cousin's hubby standing outside their lodge. We also got the car checked for the leak in the floor/carpet and luckily( thank God!) it was just a "clogged line" (whatever that means) so water was blocked and going "backwards" back into the car instead of draining out( where the water came from I don't know, maybe just all the heavy rain we've been having lately and today supposed to get  another 40-80 mm) and it only cost 69$ too which is cheap for a car repair so once again God is looking after us, and yesterday I saw 2 Monarch butterflies flying together and it made me think of Buddy and I, walking side-by-side together in life, and I also feel like I just exist in life but don't know how to actually be there and I'm ready to die now too having experienced everything I wanted( having kids, travelling, concerts) I wanted to and am tired of life, and I also heard the main risk factors for high BP( which I am on meds for) are smoking, stress, and weight, so I guess I'm just screwed then as I smoke( weed) more than a Jamaican bonfire, stress is my life, and I'm a fat f*ck.

The brain doesn't feel pain, but the heart does.-Kendra Morgan


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Pondering For Today.