Thursday, August 22, 2024

Keep On Keeping On.

Today my legs and back are still all stiff and sore from all the walking at the "Ex" and probably still will be for the next week or so. I know, I'm so broken and so old, it's pathetic. I also have really baaaad abdomenal pain for the past 2 days,too. Ugh.Admission now is also a whopping 30$ each but my hubby and I saved 5$ each by going as seniors.Every little bit helps. I remember as a kid they used to give out free admission passes to all the kids in school. I also saw alot of Teslas in the city and also a really cool purple car and even a gold one,too, and the 29 YR old was home from work early too a few hours before I got home and he didn't even bother to let poor Buddy out to pee,either, and he shrugged he just thought he'd wait until I got home and that everything's not always about Buddy but it's  just cruel though and the poor dog had to "hold" it for 11 hours! He can really be such an asshole sometimes!! My hubby also got lucky and "only" paid 20$ for parking too at a lot a few blocks away instead of 40$ at the CNE and I forgot to mention I also got a purple sachet of lavender  for 3$ ( and I mean, really,what can you get for 3$?)I keep in my bedroom and now my backpack also still smells nice,too!

I also discovered my hubby has a bunch of photos online( which is where I found this one of the 29 YR old, 28 YR old and 17 YR old) and he only has 3 photos of me but over 60 of himself and 80 or so of each of the kids and he even has more of his siblings than he does of me which hurt as he's obviously trying to erase me from their lives but I never said anything though because it's just not worth it, he's not worth it, I don't want to give him the satisfaction, and he is the way he is and there's no point and he always sneers at me You never listen! You never do anything too which isn't true; I DO listen; I just don't hear or understand which is something different entirely and I can't afford to get new hearing aids at over 2K, either, yet instead of trying to be sympathetic and understanding( you know, like a nice supportive  spouse would be) he prefers to just belittle, demean and put me down instead.

This is also an old photo of the time I took the now 21 YR old kayaking. She must have been somewhere around 10 years old or so. I've been a few times, incl. in Hawaii. Today my hubby and the 17 YR old leave on their little 2 day adventure as well only now they changed their minds and are no longer going to the "Ex" and FanExpo  but just up to London instead( more than twice the time to drive which apparantly is only a "problem" for my hubby when it's for me) to visit the 28 YR old and they're just going to spend the time playing board games. Boring. I also joke while they're away I'll have the male strippers over and have a Roman orgy.In reality though I'm actually going to blast mi reggae, sing as loud as I can, dance around the room and just enjoy feeling free.The 25 YR old's BF also got a concussion by hitting his head on a lamp so they're a good pair because before she also got one by laughing and falling backwards in doing so hitting her head on her bed frame and knocking herself out. HA! I mean, who does that? The 23 YR old also burned her hand when her hair dryer caught fire while working on a client,too. Holy shit! It's a good thing she didn't get electrocuted,too!

These are also the Eurpoean-style hand-blown glass  Christmas ornaments I remember from my childhood in the 70's and my aunts also had them as well and seeing this brings back happy fond memories and I prefer living in the past too because the music was better then and so was life, and my hubby surprised me yesterday bringing me back a fave. burrito place has now re-opened again only under a new owner( hallelujah!) only they forgot the cilantro which is the best part,  and I saw online they asked, Would you give up sex for 2 years for 700 million $$$? and I replied, I haven't had it for 17 YRS, so what do I get? and it feels like I don't really even have a family,either, but more like I just live with room-mates that also happen to be related.

I just love these shirts and remember when I had them and wish they still sold them and maybe some day if I ever do get to go to India I can still find them there,  and there's a plowing match with tractor pulls here for 2 days as well.....ooooh, that's just sooooo exciting.....NOT, and I had these weird dreams as well one of the kids' hamsters( the 23 YR old used to have them when she was little) bit me as I was holding it so by instinct I threw it across the room and it landed on the floor and splattered and broke into 2 pieces and another one I took a short-cut thru people's backyards  only this old lady caught me as I tried to scale her fence and wouldn't let me and then I was stuck and stranded with no other way to get where I wanted to go. Below is also the Thumbelina doll I had when I was a kid I had forgotten about actually until I saw this and it made me smile.I wish I could go back to those days. Life was so much simpler and I was happy then and didn't hate myself or my life.

“It’s not you, it’s what happened to you.”-Antonieta Contreas


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