Saturday, August 24, 2024

My F*ckin' Family.

My hubby and the 17 YR old came back from their adventure last night and my hubby said the 28 YR old's new apt. is nice and in a good/nice part of town and when I asked if they've set a wedding date yet (him and his fiance) he was very vague and said, Why don't you ask them? knowing very well they never talk to me and no one ever tells me anything(even though I do ask), like the 28 YR old changing gender and no one even bothered to tell me and I only accidently found out myself (the moustache and missing boobs were kind of a hint)years later, making me wonder if they even already got married but just never informed me or invited me which knowing him and them is something he and they would totally do, and I even wondered if they had the wedding just the other day when my hubby and the 17 YR old were up there, not just for a regular visit. I've been pushed out of this family and excluded and erased and I wouldn't put it past them. My hubby says I'm just "paranoid" but with the way they treat me and never include me on anything or tell me anything it's what I've been "conditioned" to expect now.
Then they wonder why I hate my family and want out.

My hubby also told the 29 YR old to clear a pathway in the overgrown "jungle" in the backyard (so the furnace guy can get access to the A/C when he comes for the yearly inspection and cleaning of the furnace and A/C ) when he was away  and when I reminded him yesterday he said there were too many bugs and he didn't want to get malaria so I told him we don't have malaria around here and the worst he might get is West Nile Virus so I sprayed him with bug repellent and sent him back out  and then minutes later he comes back in saying he can't get the lawn mower or the weed wacker started and that our cutting tools are too dull and he needs a machete or a scythe and complained how he "can't do the job without the right tools" and I told him to just make do with what we have like we always have to do and he said it's too much for just one person and gave up but tomorrow I know for a fact my hubby's going to make him get out there and do it.I just hope he also has the 17 YR old help,too. He also said too how come my hubby doesn't just do it and said he's "lazy."

Smoking weed also makes one creative too as I was able to make art by swirling with my spoon on my soft melting mango and pineapple sorbetto and made these cool designs, sort of like flowers( seen here and below) and the 29 YR old and my hubby are also at some art thing doing paintings and I like it the 29 YR old's creative and likes art(painting,etc.) like I do and a few of the kids do even though they'd hate to admit they got anything , creative talent or anything at all, from me.I had a thought as well if maybe his mistress is the woman whose house they always go to  for Dungeons & Dragons as they're always over there and she cooks for them,etc. maybe that's who his mistress is and how he met her? They're almost like their second family.

I also heard Robert Kennedy Jr. dropped out of the US Presidential race and endorsed Trump even though his family are all Democrats. He's nothing more than a sell-out and he's only endorsing him because he offered him a job if he wins. I bet if only his father and uncle only knew they'd be spinning in their graves right now.

This is also yet another mysterious(egg-sized) bruise on my leg I have no idea where it came from I can add to my collection and I remember at the "Ex" as well a kid was carrying around a plush toy he won playing a game at the Midway that was round, tan colour and had a hole in the middle I later realized must be a donut but at the time I thought it was an asshole,ha,ha, and my hubby said some asshole vandalized the lights at pickleball as well and it now gets dark by 8 pm so they had to switch their times to finish before sunset. Seriously though, what is wrong  with people though and what goes thru someone's head thinking that they have to destroy things,anyway? 
Some people just suck.

This is also the other Crissy doll I had and it had a string on it as well you pull and you can make the hair go shorter and when you want it longer you just pull the ponytail out and it comes out long again. It would be nice if the poor girl put on some pants though.

Just be. Just observe. Peaceful, easy feeling.-MysticalBrightEyes


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