Friday, August 9, 2024

Postcards From The Past.

This is my old house in Toronto, the one I always still dream about and miss. The one that has always felt the most like Home out of all the 13 or so places I've lived. I got this image from Google Maps. I just typed in the address and here you are. I also got one of our house now,too, shown below. I showed my hubby and his comment was Small house but it's actually normal size; 2 floors and 3 bedroomsl He's just comparing it our house now which is big in comparison; 3 floors and 7 bedrooms but at the time it was just my mother and I and our Chihuahuas so how much room do 2 people need,anyway? I'll be back in Toronto tonight for the Billy Idol concert( finally!YAY!!) but may not have time to stop by and visit my old house(although I hope I do) esp. since we're getting a dumping of rain (50-75 mm but at least I have the photo.) It also turns out that my hubby from work's wife is also going to the concert tonight,too, and wouldn't it be funny if she ended up sitting beside me even though I wouldn't even know it if she was, and I also got  mango chewy  THC edibles too since they don't let you smoke weed at the venue and edibles don't normally work on me, only that one time the brownie in Jamaica, but I'm going to try anyway as you never know and at least I can still enjoy the mango candy!

Last night at 2 am I also got a scare: I was woken up by this banging sound and it was Buddy trapped in-between the dresser and the wall and he kept thrashing and it looked like he was having a seizure and his mouth was open and he was  softly whimpering and really panting with his tongue hanging out and he seemed "out" of it so I just held him and he eventually fell asleep but it was scary and I thought I was losing him. That was the scariest feeling EVER. There was nothing for me before him and there's nothing after him. He is my whole entire world and only reason for living. My iPod is dying as well and the plug is breaking and it takes forever to charge now too and just MY "luck" as I need it to listen to music for the long drive so it doesn't seem as long(and to tune out my hubby) and in the UK there's all these hate-fueled riots and vandalism and looting etc.(basic anarchy) assholes being anti-immigration as well and who knew that the British were so racist?

This is also my dream bathroom, the colour, the style, everything. We had a clawfoot tub like that in our old Toronto house too I loved although it was white. I still have the swelling and itch from the wasp stings as well and have to take the Benedryl  every 6 hours and when it runs out it comes back again and my right boob is waaay bigger than the other one with the swelling(I have to put an ice pack on it) so I'm lopsided, and now the 4th out of 5 kids on my recent prayer list has died,too, leaving just one left now,and my friend O( from grade 10) his father also died, and he said that hopefully his spirit can finally be on a path toward a kind of peace that had eluded him in this realm and it sounds like my life, and I heard that 7-11 is going to start selling booze soon as well so what next, a vodka Slurpee, and the gov't has put out a travel advisory for Israel and also recalled diplomats families (esp. the kids) due to the unrest and likely war Israel is causing.

Look at this! A heart-shape in my ice cream!

Nothing is more heartbreaking than trying your best and it still not being good enough


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