Friday, August 16, 2024

Simply Beautiful.

My cousins on safari in Africa got some really good close-up photos( seen here) and even took a video of the hippos(I could even hear them grunting; they sound like pigs) but I don't know how to put it up on here because I'm dumb like that. They saw elephants, zebras, giraffes, gazelles, baboons, etc. and the animals got up really close to their jeep,too! The closest thing I ever got to a safari was the African Lion Safari place near Toronto as a kid where they have African wild animals roaming free on the property and you drive thru and they come right up to your car and the giraffes poke their heads thru the windows and the baboons climb up  on the roof. One of my Facebook friends is also in the Dominican Republic( where I was last year) at a realestate convention and the 29 YR old's ex-GF and her hubby and parents(now newly retired; he worked for Yamaha music and got to hang out with the famous bands and she was a speech pathologist who worked in the schools) are also moving from California to North Carolina so now they no longer have to worry about earthquakes anymore but hurricanes and I have this uneasy unsettled feeling about her marriage as well (and I don't think she looked happy  in the wedding photos her mother sent me and didn't have that "Glowing new bride" look)but I just can't put my finger on it... I also haven't been able to find my Tom Petty shirt for over  2 weeks now; I put it in the washing machine one day never to be seen again so either one of the guys mistakenly took it out of the dryer thinking it was one of their black shirts or else someone's just messing with my shit again...

Yesterday I also noticed that Mr. Sunflower now has 7-8 blooms even though he only has a few flowers and another neighbour his Rose Of Sharon has bloomed and I saw another neighbour girl around 12 or so rollerblading in her driveway and it made me smile, reminding me of my kids when they were younger rollerblading and even of myself as a kid with my old-fashioned 70's style white and red rollerskates rolling down my street, grabbing onto telephone poles, hydro poles, streetcar stops,etc. to stop until I learned how to use the rubber stopper on my toe, and it really smelled strongly that acrid smell of fire, too, reminding me of when we had the fire at our old house in Ottawa 28 years ago and made me wonder if there was a fire somewhere close, even on our street it was sooo strong and a smell I will never  forget as long as I live, and The Dancer across the street also had some guys looking at the roof of the dance studio as well, likely getting some work done and getting estimates even though it just got re-done 1-2 years ago and I thought was supposed to last 20-25 years and we caught a few wasps in the new trap but I even saw one flying out even though they're NOT supposed to be able to escape and I take great satisfaction too seeing them struggle and drown in the pineapple juice in there hoping it's the same ones that stung me, and it took 5 days of taking Benadryl too before the itching and massive swelling finally went away!

I also figured when I die there won't be any more "feminine touches" left in the house any more with just all guys left; no more scented oils, candles, deoderizers, air sprays,bath things, flowers, plants,etc. and USA is such a lying hypocrite,too; publically pushing for a ceasefire in Gaza while at the same time prividing Israel with weapons (incl. fighter jets) to continue to commit genocide and war crimes against Palestinians(now over 40 K killed) and my friend O( from grade 10's) dad that died he was 84 and born in Haifa( I went there and remember they had that beautiful Baha'i garden and of course that was when my camera battery died) before the State of Israel even existed and it was still called Palestine and he got so fed up with all the war and violence he emigrated here from Israel in the late 60's and I think my friend and his sister( who ended up a lesbian) were both born here but all their other siblings were all born in Israel. His father was also a filmaker, animator, and illustrator.

I also read an account of someone who had an NDE and they described grass in Heaven as each blade being so perfect, precise and clear and the grass was even singing praises to God and I thought our former neighbour I used to call Grass Picker who died must be really  impressed and happy with that, and even though all my kids turned away from both me and God I still don't regret raising them to know God and I still hope and pray that one day they will return to Him and yesterday and today either my ears or my jaws(I'm not sure which as it's right where they meet) are sore and I've had this weird headache for the past 2-3 days as well I just can't shake. I wonder if I'm coming down with something? Just as long as I'm ok for the "Ex" on Tuesday...

My life has been a rollercoaster ride of emotional torture.-Freda Sanders


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