Monday, August 19, 2024

The Messenjah.

Yesterday before we visited my mother(I got sunflowers for both her and I) my hubby said the LTC home called(I never even heard the phone) and he said they told him( this is the message he passed on to me; he's horrible at taking and passing on messages BTW) that my mother"Rubbed her eye and got some sort of infection and she's on some sort of medication for it" and I thought it odd they'd call just for that; they usually call if there's been an incident, like if she fell or something or had a medical issue, and as soon as I went there the first thing she told me was, Did you hear about my accident? I fell out of bed! She said around 3 am she rolled over and fell right out of bed, landing on her nose and it was bleeding so she called out for help and it took 2 people to help her back to bed and she said she's always had a fear of falling out of bed and now she's really scared and anxious of it happening again so I told her to request they put the little guard rails on the sides of her bed and put a rubber/cushion mat beside it  on the floor just in case it happens again. She's just lucky she didn't hit her head! She also asked me, How was the "Ex?" and I told her, I don't know. I don't go until Tuesday but I'll tell you next week. I go tomorrow and I'm excited and the weather's supposed to be good(all week!) too, not too hot( in the low 20 C's) cloudy and breezy, perfect for walking around outside Toronto also got 200 mm of rain over the weekend as well! 
Holy shit! That's practically a monsoon!

Now the new Scamdemic they're trying to scare people with and into  submission and mass vaccination is the Monkey Pox(you're as likely to get as AIDS) , so likely the new excuse they'll have for the next restrictions, lockdowns, Martial Law and taking away our freedoms and just like last time with Covid  they can suck it and I will NOT comply and Thursday and Fri. my hubby and the 17 YR old are also going to the "Ex" and FanExpo (a nerdy Cosplay/ anime convention) in Toronto so I get a bit of a break too and won't have to cook for 2 days but he just told me yesterday so now I have to scramble around and re-do the menu I had all planned out for the week, and the weekend after my hubby will be in NY playing in a chess tournament and the long Labour Day weekend after the 17 YR old goes camping with his friend and on the 9th I see ELO! Eeeee!!

No safari updates from my cousins today as they spent the day yesterday travelling and Kenya is "only" 6K km away from where they live but 12K away from us, so twice as far, and I had trouble posting my memes this morning as well, half of them didn't post so I had to go back and re-do them all and then some of them posted twice, and it took forever (I just hope I didn't forget any)and really pissed me off(nothing goes right for me) and now we have lots of wasps and flies in our wasp trap,too, incl. lots of Black Flies and living in cottage country those suckers are huge,too, more than twice the size of the wasps!

Cause I ain't got nobody Nobody cares for me 'Cause nobody cares for me I'm so sad and lonely Sad and lonely, sad and lonely Won't some sweet mama Come and take a chance with me 'Cause I ain't so bad.-David Lee Roth


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