Tuesday, August 27, 2024


This is the painting my hubby did of himself the other day.
A self portrait.
He must think he's Van Gogh or something.
Talk about vanity!
That's not all; he also stole it; it's not even really his as he copied it from a graphic designer from his old job in Ottawa who drew it as a cariature for him decades ago so he's a plagarist,too.
He's the most vain, arrogant person I know. He also has a bunch of Lego guys with his head on them, a Bobble-head of himself, and various other assorted statues, busts, figurines, etc. all of himself. 
Talk about vain, and he's not even that great( or handsome) so I really don't know why he thinks so much of himself! I mean, really!

This is also the Pixel art the 28 YR old made for him, also another of himself, and it's basically coloured beads made into a design and then melted. He does it as a side hustle and sells it at fairs and conventions etc. to make extra $$$.It sort of reminds me of my old Lite Brite toy I had as a kid back in the 70's only a more modern updated version. He practically even has a "shrine" of all his self-images dedicated to himself in his office; they're all proudly displayed on a shelf.
Spare me!
I also still have to take Benadryl every 2-3 hours to control the swelling and itch from my wasp sting the other day and being allergic to wasps really sucks, and today, like yesterday, is going to be another hot sulty summer one, 29 C with humidex of 35C but possibly the last one as for at least the next 10 days or so cooling down to 23 C or so and the other night I woke up so sweaty during the night as well(even with the A/C on) my shirt and pillow were all soaking wet! I hate menopause! The spot on the right side of my head that felt weird like a "zapping" pain now  I noticed also has a bruise as well so maybe a vessel ruptured or something?

I also saw this in the fridge the other day and I thought at first it looked like watermelon  I thought my hubby must have cut up and I almost ate some but then noticed it looked salty so I didn't which is a good thing as it turned out it was actually cut up pieces of  raw pork the 29 YR old was salting( ewww!!) and yesterday a Christmas song played on my playlist so I skipped it saying, F*ck off, Rudolph, and f*ck Santa,too; it's still summer!  and the 17 YR old got new shoes and he's a size 11(but he is 6 1/2 feet tall,too), even bigger feet than the 29 YR old and my hubby and I remember my friend A in highschool had size 11 feet too only she was a girl and she had no trouble finding running shoes but it was near impossible for her to find formal flats to wear with dresses and skirts!

I saw this and remembered how much I loved my Super Ball  with the sparkly glittery stars in them. Those suckers could really bounce,too! My cousins are also back home now from their trip and as well as the safari they also did other normal vacation stuff too like snorkelling, and I heard somewhere that only 20% of people have ever been on an airplane and I was surprised; I thought it was more like 90% or so and I don't even know anyone who has never been on one,and one of the meanest things people have ever said to me as well was being accused of purposely going out of my way to be as unattractive as possible and as annoying as possible to turn people off when I don't; it's just me. No matter how hard I try to be someone else I can't run away or get away from me and I'm sorry for being me but I really don't know what else to be even though everyone hates me for it.

Social rejection wasn’t only painful but physically unhealthy too.-Anges Mina


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