Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Bomber Jacket.

I saw this pilot bomber jacket online yesterday and it's the exact same one I've loved and wanted for years, for decades actually, ever since I was in my early 20's but they were always sooo expensive( like 500-700$ +) but this one is "only" 139.95$....but USD$ for me me when converted would end up being something like 350$ or so(plus an additional 50$ or so for duty tax) and then of course there's always the risk with ordering anything online that it's a cheap piece-of-shit from China that ends up looking nothing like the photo or that it's too small and for that much $$$ I don't want to risk it or take a chance, so now I'm really torn on what I should do, plus I might not even be alive for long enough to be able to get much wear out of it anyway so can I really "justify" spending that much $$$ anyway  and risking it even if it does end up like the photo and fits ok? So, like everything else in my life and every other decision I will leave it with God, sleep on it and pray on it. I also found out that the rent we paid in Toronto back in the late 70's and 80's would now at today's rate be equal to 1900$ and in L.A what we were paying( 800$ a month in 1984) would now be eqivalent to 2400$ so I guess it was still expensive even back then even though it didn't seem like it at the time,  and Europe also has really baaad flooding now,too so I hope our relatives are OK...

Yesterday the 29 YR old was also singing sooo loud I could even hear him all the way outside with the door closed bellowing, Suck my balls....and next week he also has a fancy Venetian ball charity gala fundraiser for the hospital and someone tried to take another shot at Trump again too so I hope the guy has good life insurance (and it might also be a good idea to update it)and the corrupt Liberals lost once again in a Quebec by-election yesterday to the Bloc Quebecois ( ha,ha!) as well as to the NDP just like they did in Toronto recently, too, and we have one locally here too this week and I hope the f*ckers lose that one,too, and we can get an early election and finally get rid of Trudeau!He's too much of a narcissist to resign on his own!

I also saw this online and it's the exact same one, same pattern and same colours as one my Babushka made for us back in the 80's(one of many she crocheted) and it brought back so many memories,and the other day shopping my hubby came across a new immigrant family that didn't know that you're supposed to bring your own shopping bags  to the grocery store so he went to the trunk of the car and gave them a bunch as we have literally dozens of them which I think was a nice thing to do, and I heard on the news a 13 YR old girl who, along with her friends killed  a homeless man in Toronto also only got 15 months probation as her sentence,too, when I think she should  have got Life in PRISON; I mean, she KILLED someone! Who cares about her age!Why do they care more about her life and future just because she's young more than about his life just because he was homeless?If you kill someone at 13 you're evil! If you do the crime, you do the time! There is NO "justice" in this shithole! I hate this country! What a joke!

I also heard that tonight's supposed to be some really rare,Full, Harvest, Blood, blue/red/super/lunar-whatever moon thing so maybe it's the signalling of the beginning of the arrival of the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse too, which really wouldn't surprise me with the state of the world today,and I heard a Jewish guy explain that Christians blaspheme and disrespect God too by "turning Him into a man" (Jesus) and commit idol worship as well by  venerating and worshipping Crucifixes and wearing them as necklaces, etc. and when you really think about it he does have a point, and maybe it was good afterall that I didn't get with that guy I liked before,too, as he did often yell at me and think I was stupid (He wasn't really nice to me)for always burning my leg on the side of his motorcycle. Come to think of it, most people do put me down and make me feel dumb.Even my own family does,too.

Some of us just have trouble having kids I guess.-Tracey Rodell


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