Saturday, September 21, 2024

Children Of The Golden Dawn.

I saw this caftan (and I love the pink sequins,too)the other day and it made me laugh. It also reminded me of the perfect robe for the 29 YR old as cult leader for  his imaginary cult he made up and I dubbed Children Of The Golden Dawn. It's just sooooo perfect and soooo him, ha, ha! He's also NOT going to the charity gala today afterall even though he already has a ticket; he's playing Dungeons & Dragons with his group instead which is disappointing; it would have been a good opportunity for him(and I think he'd have fun) plus also a good opportunity to mingle with the right people and make good connections but he just shrugs off as he makes them every day with his millionaire clients at work but that's business connections and the gala would be social connections and I said who knows, maybe he'd even meet a nice girl from a  good family and he scoffs he prefers "psycho bitches" which I found disturbing. I also worry that maybe he's concerned that he won't fit in and would feel out of place even though he certainly has the formal clothes for it, and it saddens me as well he feels he needs to get his "validation"  from drunken losers at the bar by singing at the clubs and having "fans" buy him drinks. He's so much better than that and sells himself short.

People are also trying to "justify" Israel's attack on Hezbollah fighters' explosives in their devices as "just attacking terrorists" except it's not; it's not just them that have been injured or killed but also other innocent people nearby as well, such as when they're sitting at the table with their families, or at the park with their kids or at their schools picking their kids up or dropping them off, or at the marketplace or in traffic, etc. plus what gives them the "right" to attack people in other countries (Lebanon, Yemen, Iran) anyway, and if anyone else did that( or did that within Israel) to other countries there would be a world outcry. What makes them so special and that they can get away with it all the time?

I also saw this the other day and it brought back memories.
Leif Garrett.
I had such a crush on him when I was younger. I was 12 and he was something like 17. I had posters of him plastered all over my wall,  faithfully bought Tiger Beat magazine  and even saw him live in concert when I was 12 or 13. We even got front row seats,too. It's sad though what happened to him; he ended up bald, a heroin addict, a washed-up Has-Been, and broke as an adult. Poor guy.It's also sad for me to realize as well that my best days are over , long gone and behind me too and that there's nothing left to look forward to anymore. The 31 YR old who won MP for the region has also been in politics for 10 years already since he was 21, owns his own business, and has 3 kids so he's already accomplished so much for someone so young,  like my cousins who had their first house paid off by the time they were 30 and their son at 30 already owned a business and now in his 40's owns 3 franchises.
...and then there's me.
All I've accomplished is give birth to ungrateful kids who hate me.

My hubby also hates it I make him throw his chicken bones in the garbage outside and NOT in the kitchen garbage because I don't want them rotting and decomposing there and stinking everything up AND making maggots which then turn to flies all over the house(I'm trying my best to keep it clean) and he still is stupid enough to play pickleball this morning too even with his torn tendon in his toe(he never learns or gives things enough time to heal) and is still limping around and I'm not going to take the chance visiting my mother today in case he gets called-in for work(like he has every day all week) and then we'd have to turn around half-way there or have the visit cut short; I don't want to risk it, esp. with MY "luck" so I'll just see her next week when I know it's safe.The uncertaintly of it just makes me too anxious.

Fly, Rasta!-Ziggy Marley

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