Thursday, September 12, 2024

Daily Grind.

Here is that awesome couch the 28 YR old has that I mentioned before that I love. I don't like the occult "accessories" in the room but man, do I ever really love that couch! I wonder where he got it from though? My guess would be probably an antique shop.For the past 4 days or so I've also had this weird headache as well and lately I've been having frequent headaches; not the migraines like I used to but headaches and my knee is getting much worse now too and hurts every time I even bend or move and my cough is also worse, as well as my usual pain and extreme fatigue, making me wonder even more if maybe I really do have some kind of cancer afterall and it's spreading? The way I feel it really wouldn't surprise me if my entire body is riddled with cancer. Today my hubby was also resting with his foot elevated and iced and he said his heel hurts,likely hurt it playing pickleball yesterday. 
Getting old really sucks!!
He also got gypped buying basically rabbit food for over 16$ which was a dish mainly just  of rice, lettuce and cucumber with a couple of chicken strips and he thinks that MY McDonald's burgers are "too expensive!"(?????)

I also saw this handsome guy on TV the other day I found out his name is Sam Neill and I was surprised to find out he's something like 76 years old! Holy shit, that's old but he's just soooo hot and I thought to myself, What a beautiful man! and he got my wheels spinning if you know what  Imean and I almost felt a "connection" to him, like I "knew" him from before,too, making me wonder if I knew him in a previous life or something and I guess it also answers the question if old people still find other old people attractive(that would be a yes) and I noticed as well the Meth Heads at the corner have their house up for sale and my summer tan is fading now as well and sadly I only have 2 hours of sun on the back porch daily now,too, from 10 am to Noon and it used to be from 8 am to 3 pm.Last night I also heard what sounded like a newborn baby crying in the yard but I figured what would a baby be doing in our backyard but I went to check anyway just in case(maybe someone abandoned it or something?) but it just ended up to be a stupid cat.

My hubby also didn't end up missing his beloved pickleball on Monday when I was at the concert afterall like he was mad about as it was raining and the court was still too wet and it was cancelled and I can't figure out why my knee hurts so much and not too likely I tore anything because unlike my hubby who plays raquet sports( he's done squash, pickleball and badminton) I don't DO any of that stuff that would explain it, and I also saw 6 "Mask-Holes" the other day as well; 4 on the subway and 2 at the concert,and a guy on the subway with a hoodie that said Hova made me do it. Yeezus made me do it. Pharrell made me do it. Drizzy made me do it. Rocky made me do it. and ny hubby asked me who they were and I knew them all except for "Hova" (it turns out it's JZ) but I knew the others were Kanye West, Pharrell Williams, Drake, and ASAP Rocky, only my hubby never believes me and I saw him double-checking on his phone to make sure they really actually were who I told him they were and I wasn't just making shit up.
I know, what a dickweed, right?

I also noticed when I was on my hubbys Facebook  that the 25 YR old's BF has "single" listed as his relationship status and even though technically it IS correct since he's NOT married he still  should have put it to "In a relationship" since they are living together,making me wonder if she has more "invested" into the relationship than he does and he also barely mentioned her on his page either whereas she has alot of mention of him,and it would also be fitting and sort of "poetic" if with me being a jinx and being cursed with bad luck my entire life if I died tomorrow as well, on Friday the 13th, the so-called "Bad Luck" day, and my mother always said the 13th has been a bad day for her,too, I also sit at my window seat on the plane as I wait for everyone else to board and I always wave at the guys down below loading the luggage but they never wave back and I don't realize that I'm probably just too high up for them to see me and that's how I am in life,too; I don't see myself the way other people see me.

Россия вам не враг. Ваш враг — это ваш телевизор.


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