Saturday, September 14, 2024

Day By Day.

Poor Buddy has runny diarrhrea again and with a bit of blood in it, poor guy, and he's so funny,too, when he's mad at me for something he'll give me his version of "F*ck You!" by sharply tossing his head back in defiance and making this annoyed sound, sort of like the Italian "F*ck You!" hand gesture! It's just the funniest, most hilarious thing ever! HA! This morning I was up at the same time as my hubby because he got up early for pickleball but I wasstill  the first to get the best of the hot water because he spent so long on the toilet first( ha,ha) and it felt victorious, almost as if I had won a battle, and my cough is always worse at night,too(when I lay down), and last night it kept waking me up as well as burning chest pains I assume is heartburn(either that, or impending heart-attack?), and for the past couple of days I smell fire outside and it's all hazy and I later discovered it's the wildfire smoke aloft all the way from the West Coast! I also noticed my lower left leg is really swollen and has been itchy for a few days  as well and there's a hard pea-sized lump on the shin(blood clot?) and by the ankle it's really loose and saggy-baggy as well, like Shar-Pei wrinkles.

Look! Can you see it? Leaves starting to change colour( and falling!) already. Ugh!
There's also been a strong smell of weed the past couple of days as well I think next-door must be harvesting their cannabis plants, and I saw an ad for new homes being built nearby for "only" 899K but for that price you might as well just move to Toronto where the average price is "just" over a million$$$, and I mixed up "Door Dash" and thought it was called "Dine & Dash"(ha,ha) and there's this local fall fair and they advertised such "thrilling" and "fun" events too like tractor pulls, arm wrestling, demolition derby, axe throwing, horse pulls, etc. Wow, the things that rednecks think are entertaining...😂There's also more anti-immigrant hate circulating about Haitian immigrants eating cats & dogs but I seriously doubt it; I remember similar racist shit about Chinese immigrants back in the 70's eating  dogs,too. It's just more of the same hateful, racist, anti-immigrant dogma best ignored and just consider where it comes from.

Can you guess what this is?
It's a re-chargable candle lighter!
My hubby got it for me and it looks like the thing they shove up your ass during a colonoscopy!
It just re-charges on your computer like my vape pen re-charger does. Who ever would have even thought of such a thing but now I don't have to keep buying new ones when it wears out, which was the idea.
Air Canada pilots are also set to strike(I'd never be stoopid enough to ever take them ever again, anyway) but I get their point as they only make half the salary of pilots on other airlines( and often need to take second jobs to pay the bills!) which doesn't really surprise me I guess since it IS the absolute *WORST* airline out there in every way, shape,and form.I'd rather swim across the ocean than to ever take them again!!!!You have to treat your workers right and pay them a fair wage!
I can also still remember one of the meanest things my hubby did to the kids is when the oldest was younger he wanted to get his ear pierced  so I took him to get it done but my hubby was beyond furious and refused to look at him on that side and always kept insulting him calling him mean names like "gay" and "faggot" etc. making him cry,and it just got so bad he eventually just took the earring out. He "ragged" him over his "rat tail" he had in his hair,too.
and they think that I'm the "bad" one?

It's everywhere and nowhere all at once.


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